Isobar Expeditions

Daily Post Photo Challenge – Admiration

There are a lot of traits that inspire admiration from us and a lot of other people. Loyalty, courage, self-sacrifice, and humility are just a few. So, when we think of the people we admire, our first thoughts go to the people who are willing to put themselves in danger to protect the rest of us. We have friends and family that serve in the military and police and we have tremendous admiration for the sacrifices that they’ve made over the years. Firemen are in that same category, they rush into danger when others are running out.

Fire Trucks and Hoses
After the Fire
Trucks on the Street

A few years ago, there was a house-fire just down the street from us.  It happened to be right after the Waldo Canyon Fire here in Colorado Springs that had burned down hundreds of homes.  The fear of what damage a fire could do was definitely fresh on our minds.  These heroes swiftly and calmly went to work and put out the fire.  So, to all those who put the lives of others in front of their own, we thank you and have the deepest respect for what you do.

Arriving at the House
Chopping with an Axe


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