Castle Dracula, Bran Romania

Let us be clear, this is a complete tourist trap and has absolutely nothing to do with Vlad Dracula, the inspiration behind the Dracula legend. It isn’t really a castle, not in the true sense of gentry living, but literally the offices of border control agents. So why go? Well, despite knowing the truth, there is no Dracula, that the legendary leader of ancient Romania never lived here, perhaps stayed here, it is still an interesting place to visit. At the end of the day, it was more about Brasov and the general vicinity that we enjoyed the most, but seeing the castle was definitely a must for us to visit.

Bran Castle
The Courtyard
Enjoying the Day

We read a lot of complaints about the size of the crowds visiting the castle before our arrival and needless to say, it is true. As with any popular tourist destination, complaining about the crowds is beyond ridiculous, what else would you truly expect. With that said, we were fortunate to be there during the off-season, so it could have definitely been worse. The second thing that we read was that the castle has been refurbished, not restored. There is old furniture, paintings, pieces from the period, but again, if you think about the fact that it was an office building, why would they have restored it, who would want to come? Give the tourists what they want and they will come, like we did.

Inside of the Castle
Looking Up at the Tower
Inside of the Castle

Beyond that, it is truly a beautiful part of the country and although it isn’t as glamorous as castles in other parts of Europe, we did enjoy seeing it. Maybe it is the romantic notion of the folklore, the desire to transcend time and live forever, or just to say we have been there, we enjoyed our brief visit to the castle. We don’t need to encourage or discourage people to visit, they will come either way. We have seen many more beautiful castles, more historic sites, and even more popular destinations, but we will remember our visit to Bran Castle. Don’t go out of your way to go there, but if you get the chance, visit Transylvania. There are plenty of things to see within the region, even if you don’t go to Dracula’s castle.

From Inside of the Courtyard
Gorgeous Views
Medieval Architecture


Romania – What You Need to Know Before You Go

Our trip to Romania was definitely an interesting one and as we returned, it became clear that there were a few things that we wish we had known before travelling to this country. This isn’t at all a suggestion that you shouldn’t visit Romania, far from it, there is plenty to see and experience, but there are a few things that you should know before you travel.

Old Church in Bucharest
    • There is information out there that taxi drivers will try to defraud you and over-charge you. It is not an exaggeration. On our first night in Bucharest, we ordered a taxi from our hotel, a place we were told we could trust, and the taxi took us to a location no where near our destination and demanded ten-times the expected price for the ride.  We were outraged, but paid, mostly because we didn’t know what else to do. We then found a restaurant nearby and asked for a taxi to take us to our intended destination. After a few minutes, it was clear that the driver did not know where he was going, so we asked him to take us back to our hotel. Upon arrival, the driver asked for twice the price that was displayed on the meter. When going inside to get assistance from the hotel, the driver panicked and forced the other one of us out of the vehicle. Do not trust taxi drivers, know how much it should cost before you get in, and understand that their reputation is duly deserved.

      Brasov, Romania
    • Visiting Bucharest is like stepping back in time to the 1950’s. Unlike most of the European cities that we have visited, this city was bleak, sterile, and not-particularly welcoming. There isn’t much to see and when we did visit the old town area, where normally you see the most interesting historical architecture, we were surprised to see a variety of sex shops, strip clubs, and massage parlors amongst the various restaurants. It certainly was a different experience from other old towns that we have had the pleasure to see.
      Old Town Bucharest


    •  Train travel is not as convenient as other places. We have become quite accustomed to being able to take trains to all of the important destinations, but this is not necessarily true in Romania. You can get from one large city to another, but that is all and you must purchase your tickets in person at the train station. Also, we purchased first class tickets, which wasn’t really necessary as there was relatively little difference between first and second class. It is still a convenient way to travel, but clearly not as nice as transportation in other countries. We ended up taking a shuttle back from Brasov to the Bucharest airport just because it was not only not convenient, but also meant that we didn’t have to deal with the taxi drivers of Bucharest once again, so for the same price and time, it was an easy decision.
    • The country is in EU probationary status, which means that you are required to go through customs, even when travelling from within the EU. This is not a big deal, but it was surprising since we had gotten used to just showing our passport at the airport gate versus having to spend time going through customs.
The Black Church in Brasov
    • Romania does not use Euros. Once again, this isn’t necessarily a surprise, there are other countries where this is true, but be aware that your bank might flag any transactions as fraudulent. We had obviously let all of our banks know that we were travelling to Romania, so we were surprised when we weren’t able to make a withdrawal from our account. When we contacted our bank, we were told that it didn’t have to do with our travel notification, it is simply that they didn’t trust any transaction emanating from Romania, so withdrawals were disallowed. Obviously this is always the best way to get local currency, so it was frustrating and a surprise, but we were able to work our way around it, but at a higher cost.
Communism did not Change the Beautiful Churches
  • Driving can be quite challenging. We were warned not to rent a car while we were in Romania, which we didn’t, and it was probably for the best. Driver’s are quite aggressive and don’t respect lanes, turn signals, or pedestrians. Basically, it is as simple as driver beware. You need to be defensive, whether walking or driving, and assume that the driver next to you is going to do something erratic and ignore your safety.

    Bran Castle

As we mentioned, this isn’t meant to deter anyone from visiting Romania, especially since we would recommend that people do visit. We have been to many different countries, some of which were considered to be dangerous or risky. We wouldn’t put Romania in exactly the same category, but it was an eye-opening destination, one which will definitely leave an impression upon us. We enjoyed our time there, but there were definitely some things that we wish we had known before we had travelled, so hopefully this will help you if you should desire to visit Romania.

Romania Has Been an Experience

Once again we have been quiet for a few days as we have been traveling in Romania for the past week. We fly back to Germany tomorrow, but it has been an interesting experience over-all. We spent a couple of days in Bucharest before heading to Transylvania and the city of Brasov, which was certainly the highlight of the trip. We have seen some very wonderful sights, but in many different ways it has not been what we were expecting. Here are a couple of pictures of some of the things that we have seen, but right now we are looking forward to this coming weekend at home, catching up on some much needed rest.

St. Nicholas Church
Church Fortress