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  • The Royal Palace (Buda Castle) in Budapest, Hungary

    On our first full day in Budapest, we crossed the Chain Bridge and took the funicular (which is a type of railway that goes up the side of a mountain) to the top of the hill in order to walk around the Castle District. The Royal Palace, also referred to as Buda Castle, is certainly… Read more

  • The Food of Budapest, Hungary

    It certainly shouldn’t be surprising that you can find just about any type of cuisine that you would like in a city the size of Budapest. Especially in the tourist areas, you can find restaurants featuring traditional Hungarian dishes, but you are just as likely to find Italian, Asian, Mediterranean, and even Mexican restaurants. It… Read more

  • Day Trip to Bratislava, Slovakia

    There are several options for taking a day trip out of Budapest, Hungary, some within the country and some to neighboring countries. One of the most popular is to Vienna, Austria, which is about 3 hours from Budapest, but since we have been to Vienna previously, we decided to go to Bratislava in Slovakia. Located… Read more

  • Our Overall Impressions of Budapest

    We certainly enjoyed our week in Budapest, which included a full day trip to Bratislava in Slovakia. Although the weather didn’t always cooperate, we managed to adjust our schedules to account for the rain and definitely made the most of our time. Budapest is a beautiful city in Hungary with a lot of wonderful architecture… Read more

  • Day Three in Budapest

    Yesterday was another rainy day, but we definitely made the most of it.  First we went to the Parliament Building, then saw the monument called “The Shoes on the Danube” (which we’ll explain later), the Saint Stephen’s Basilica, a wine tasting, and then the Hungarian National Museum before heading to dinner. It was exhausting, but… Read more

  • Wet and Rainy Day in Budapest

    Despite some cold and rainy weather, we managed to have a wonderful second day in Budapest yesterday. The highlight of the day was the Dohany Street Synagogue, also known as the Great Synagogue since it is the largest synagogue in Europe. It is fascinating and beautiful, but the history of the holocaust that accompanies it… Read more