Blowing off Some Steam

There is something absolutely mesmerizing about watching a geyser as it is about to erupt. The pure energy and raw force of such a natural phenomenon are amazing to view, especially close up. The way that nature heats water buried below the surface, allowing it to escape as sudden burst of steam, and then repeating the cycle over an over again that is almost hypnotic to watch. To see such small amounts of water convert into huge plumes of shimmering vapor is truly spectacular. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Big and Small, we decided to share a few photos of the famous Geyser in Iceland. We really enjoyed seeing the natural wonder during our visit there this past February.

Bubbling Up
The Full Eruption
Heating Up


Colorful Homes

Wherever we travel, we always enjoy seeing beautiful and colorful homes. Sometimes the scenery around a building can add to its beauty and sometimes it is just the building itself that sets the scene. For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Houses and/or Barns, we decided to choose a couple of our favorite photos of colorful homes. First is a barn outside of Cripple Creek, Colorado, from last year when we went hiking during September as the leaves in Colorado were very vibrant.

Barn with Beautiful Autumn Scenery

And just as the colors of the changing leaves made the simple barn a beautiful scene, the colorful homes in Reykjavik, Iceland, made the urban landscape more pleasing to the eye.

Colorful Buildings of Reykjavik

Daily Post Photo Challenge – Morning

We’ve said it many times, we are not morning people, so perhaps this is truly a challenge for us. When we think about memorable mornings, they are definitely all from travelling, when forced to make ourselves get up early in order to see as much as possible. Having said that, probably our most memorable mornings were from Iceland this past February. Because the sun rose so late, after 9:00 a.m., and the days were so short, seeing the sun rise over the frozen ice fields was truly something special. We want to return to Iceland, probably during autumn, but until then we hope you enjoy a few of the sunrises that we saw during our trip.

Sunrise over Lake Thingvallavatn
Morning Sunrise
Sunrise over Frozen Tundra
Shimmering Ice
Hazy Sunrise