Autumn is a time for special occasions, celebrating, and comfort food. It isn’t all about the food, though, it is also a time for special drinks and cocktails. Obviously we love gluhwein, mulled ciders, and other autumnal drinks, but we decided to do something a little different. We made an Apple Bourbon Cocktail (an “ABC” for short) with apple cider that was infused overnight with spices. The warmth of the spices pairs really well with a quality bourbon and it is definitely a festive cocktail. If you don’t want the alcohol, you can serve it as “mocktail”, but we prefer the version that has a little bit of a kick. We really enjoyed it, so hopefully you will as well.

- 2 cups Apple Cider (not apple juice, it needs to be a true apple cider)
- 2 Cinnamon Sticks
- 2 Whole Cloves
- 1 Star Anise
- 8 oz Bourbon
- Apple Slices for garnish

Place the apple cider, cinnamon, cloves, and star anise in a mason jar and put in the refrigerator for about 24 hours (at least overnight). To serve, strain the apple cider and add 4 ounces of apple cider to 2 ounces of bourbon in a rocks glass (ice cubes are optional as the drink is meant to warm your insides). Garnish with an apple slice and serve. Makes 4 servings. Cheers!