Celebrating Key Milestones Through Travel

We have always enjoyed linking travel to key milestones in our lives. By celebrating a significant event in a special location not only enhances the memory of it, but also makes recalling that memory easier. One of the most common milestones that we usually celebrate during a trip is our wedding anniversary. We were supposed to be in Turkey this week, which was on anniversary, but obviously that didn’t happen. Our last two major milestones were celebrated completely differently. We celebrated our 20th anniversary by visiting Walt Disney World, which was certainly a wonderful trip, especially since it was just the two of us. Five years ago was our 25th anniversary and we decided to go to Aspen, Colorado for a long weekend. Two years ago, we spent it in Egypt and last year we visited Hungary. We will likely celebrate our anniversary later this year once we’re able to travel once again. Do you like to travel on birthdays and anniversaries or do you prefer to celebrate them at home?

Celebrating Our Anniversary with Disney Characters
Aspen, Colorado
Standing Outside of the Bent Pyramid in Egypt
Enjoying the Views in Budapest


9 thoughts on “Celebrating Key Milestones Through Travel

  1. I miss being able to celebrate my birthday by travelling (past two years I’ve been tied to finals week and class). It was such a special way to spend the day. Hope you get a great late anniversary trip in this summer/fall!

  2. My birthday is in August. As teachers we always traveled in August so I’ve had great birthdays away. It doesn’t have to be something special – just being away is enough of a treat but I’d try and organise something on the day. Our son is also early August so he usually had his birthday away also when he traveled with us …. (His party would be around end of term before school broke up).

    Our anniversary is in late June….. since we retired a few years back, we’ve started traveling in June so have celebrated the last few anniversaries away –

    Not looking good for either celebration this year…. We’d been thinking Greece or Turkey in June and maybe Alaska in August – meeting up with Stephen in NYC to celebrate his 30th birthday…… ah well…..

    1. Yes, this year is definitely uncertain. We are re-planning our trip to Turkey for October and then our wedding anniversary trip to Gambia in December/January.

      Hopefully you can meet up with your son in August. We think domestic travel will be okay by then.

    2. You’re so lucky! I never minded having a fall birthday (and now a fall anniversary) until I became a teacher. I would love a summer birthday so I don’t have to use one of my precious and rare personal days to take my birthday off. We’ve traveled to celebrate milestone anniversaries (including our 20th last fall) but due to the teaching calendar it always has to wait until a 4-day school break later in the fall. Oh how I long for retirement!

  3. We originally thought we’d take a trip for every anniversary – our first was in Venice (a tour of Italy and Greece), and our second was in Maui, Hawaii. Then we had kids and haven’t had an anniversary trip since 😢 ! But soon they will be old enough that we can leave them at home 👍

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