Looking Back at 2017

This has been an interesting year with a lot of changes including moving back to the United States and changing jobs. We visited seven different countries including the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, France, Romania, Ireland, and Ecuador. We enjoyed each of those countries for various reasons. Obviously, having moved back to the US, our opportunity to visit different countries in 2018 has been reduced, but we hope to make a couple of trips to places that we haven’t visited before. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is 2017 Favorites, so we have tried to pick our favorite photo from each of those places. As we fly to Chicago tomorrow, we will likely be quieter than normal. We wish everyone Happy Holidays and Best Wishes in the New Year!

Amsterdam from the Roof of Our Hotel
Colosseum in Rome
Hiking Around the Rim of Quilotoa in Ecuador
Sunset Behind the Acropolis in Athens
Statue in Bucharest
The Eiffel Tower in Paris is Impressive even on a Rainy Day
View from Kilkenny Castle in Ireland


Reminiscing About Romania

Looking back at our time in Europe, one of the most interesting places that we visited was Romania. It was unique for a variety of reasons, but it was definitely extremely interesting. Although we spent a couple of days in Bucharest, the highlight of our trip was the time that we spent in Brasov. It is nestled in the Carpathian mountain region and apparently has a variety of ski resorts nearby, although we didn’t do any skiing on our trip. Our hotel was located right in the city center and our room overlooked the main square with its brightly decorated Christmas tree. We really enjoyed the architecture as it was different than most of the other places that we visited. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge that must start with the letter R, we thought we would revisit Romania through photos. If you ever get a chance to visit Romania, we would certainly recommend spending a few days in Brasov.

Frozen Trees in Romania
Bran Castle in Romania
Unique Architecture in Brasov, Romania
Cemetery in Brasov, Romania
Christmas Tree in Brasov, Romania


Trying to Make it to the Top

Everyone wants success in life, both personal and professional, but it isn’t always easy to achieve. Obviously it takes hard work and perseverance, but sometimes it takes a little luck as well. As we near the end of the year, it is time to look back at the year and determine whether things are getting better, staying the same, or needs some adjusting. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Ascend. We have chosen several photos of places where we have climbed steep stairs, trails, and walks. Just like life, sometimes if you willing to make the effort to keep climbing, there can be travel rewards. Hopefully life is on its way up for all of you!

Stairs Leading Down to Gullfoss Falls in Iceland
Climbing up a Waterfall in Bolivia
Climbing the Stairs in Koblenz, Germany
The Start of the Trail at the Quilotoa Volcano in Ecuador
Hiking Up Pikes Peak in Colorado
Climbing in the Paint Mines Interpretive Park in Colorado
We Walked this Twice in Heidelberg, Germany
Walking Up to the Michelangelo Piazza in Florence, Italy