Top Things to Do in Budapest, Hungary

Budapest is a wonderful city with many historic sites to see and visit. We spent six days in Budapest during our trip, which gave us the ability to visit many different places at a leisurely pace. Obviously you don’t need that much time, but spending at least three days would be beneficial. Budapest is really a combination of two cities sitting on either side of the Danube River with one Buda being on one side and Pest being on the other. We stayed in the busier Pest with all of the restaurants, hotels, and many wonderful locations like the Parliament Building and St. Stephen’s Basilica. Here are some of the locations that should be part of your Budapest itinerary.

  1.  Royal Palace (Buda Castle) – The Royal Palace, also known as the Buda Castle, is one of the most dominant buildings in Budapest. Sitting on top of Buda Hill, it looms above the Danube River with wonderful views.

    Walking Towards St. Stephen’s Basilica on a Rainy Day
  2.  St. Stephen’s Basilica – The interior of the basilica is quite beautiful, but one of the main reasons for visiting the basilica is to go to the observation deck with its wonderful views of the city. It is one of the most popular sites to visit in Budapest, so it can be quite busy.

    Amazing Views of the Parliament Building
  3.  The Parliament Building – Although we didn’t do a tour inside of the Parliament Building because the English tours were all sold out, just walking around the building with its unique architecture is worthwhile. With a height that is purposely equal to that of the basilica, the Parliament Building dominates the views of Pest when looking from the Buda Castle District.

    Liberty Statue and Citadel Wall
  4.  The Citadella – The Citadella is a fortress located on the Buda side of the Danube and once again is another location with amazing views. The giant statue of a woman holding a palm leaf can be seen from throughout Pest. One of the best ways to get to the summit of Gellért Hill is to take the winding path from the base through the park.

    Enormous Interior of the Synagogue
  5.  The Dohany Street Synagogue – There are many reasons to visit the Dohany Street Synagogue from its size, history, architecture, and cultural importance. It is also the location of the Hungarian Jewish Museum, Heroes’ Temple, and Raoul Wallenberg Memorial Park, which will give you a glimpse into the affects of the Holocaust within Hungary.

    Matthias Church and the Holy Trinity Statue
  6.  Matthias Church – Located in the Buda Castle District, the Matthias Church is quite interesting with its colorful roof and unique features. Built in the gothic style, its bell tower can be seen from throughout the city and is as visible as the Royal Palace.

    Iron Shoes Along the Bank of the Danube
  7.  The Shoes on the Danube Bank – It is certainly a somber sight to see as it represents the fate of the Jewish citizens at the end of WWII. As the Germans prepared to leave Budapest, they lined up citizens, tied them together with a rope, and had them remove their shoes. When one citizen was shot, the rope pulled in the rest of them into the river to drown.

    Bratislava Castle
  8.  Day Trip to Bratislava, Slovakia – There are a couple of day trip choices when visiting Budapest, but we chose to go to Bratislava since we had already visited Vienna, which is the other popular day trip. If you have enough time to do a day trip, seeing historic Bratislava is certainly worth the time.

    The Largest Tower of the Fisherman’s Bastion in Budapest
  9.  Fisherman’s Bastion – Built in the late 1800’s, the Fisherman’s Bastion is a wall around the Danube River side of the Castle District with a very unique architecture. The views along the wall are definitely amazing as you overlook the Széchenyi Chain Bridge, Parliament Building, and St. Stephen’s Basilica on the other side of the river.

    Vajdahunyad Castle Near Heroes Square
  10.  Heroes’ Square – It is a short underground railway ride to reach Heroes’ Square. It is an interesting war monument, but is also the location of a park and several museums including the Museum of Fine Arts and the Palace of Art.

    Transylvanian Tomb
  11.  Hungarian National Museum – Located in the center of Budapest, the Hungarian National Museum is a three-story museum with many different historical and cultural exhibits.

    Chain Bridge Looking Towards Pest
  12. Széchenyi Chain Bridge – Connecting the cities of Buda and Pest to create the capital of Budapest, the Széchenyi Chain Bridge spans the Danube River. It is certainly worth walking across the bridge to see the views and to reach the funicular that will take you the top of Buda Hill and to the Castle District.

    Church Exterior Outside of the Cave
  13.  Cave Church – Located at the base of Gellért Hill is an interesting church built in one of the many caves in the mountainside. Cave Church was built in the 1920’s and even served as a hospital during WWII.

    The Original Goulash Stew in Budapest
  14.  Restaurants and Spas – Budapest has many different hot springs and spas as well as an abundance of wonderful restaurants. With so many wonderful places to see, it is worth taking some time to relax and enjoy the food and atmosphere of the city.

    Gathering Crowds Inside of a Ruin Pub
  15.  Go to a Ruin Pub – An interesting trend has occurred in Budapest where dilapidated buildings are converted into pubs with a funky vibe. They are very popular and quite fun and worth taking the time to at least visit one of them.

Church of St. George in Cairo, Egypt

During our trip to Cairo, we took a day to visit Coptic Cairo, which is a section of Old Cairo with the Babylon Fortress, Abu Serga (Cave Church), and the Church of St. George. The Church of St. George is a Greek Orthodox church that dates back to the 10th century, although the current church buildings were built in 1909 after being destroyed in a fire in 1904. Sitting on top of a hill with a steep set of stairs, the architecture of the church is definitely interesting and impressive.

St. George on the Front of the Church
Chandeliers in the Church
Trees Along the Walls of the Cemetery
Stairs Leading to the Church
Golden Eye
Silver Cross and Candlesticks

As you approach the church, there is no doubt as to who it is dedicated as there are several murals with images of St. George defeating the dragon, including the large relief on the front of the church itself. The church tower also has a wind-vane that features a dragon that hovers over the church. The church itself is a round building with a large dome over the center, which is quite stunning and dramatic.

Wind-Vane on Top of the Tower
Ornate Altar
Ceiling of the Dome
Tomb with a Statue
Cemetery Grounds
St. George Slaying the Dragon Mosaic

Next to the church is a cemetery with beautiful grounds and a variety of crypts and tombs. Seeing a Christian cemetery in the heart of Cairo was certainly unique and it was quiet and peaceful in the otherwise hectic city. One of the most interesting features in the cemetery was a mud and stone crypt that resembled a cave. There wasn’t any signage or information that indicated its history or purpose within the cemetery.

Tombs and Crypts
Church Garden
Cave in the Cemetery
Another St. George Image
Walking Through the Church

The interior of the Church of St. George was beautiful, especially with its colorful dome ceiling. Inside of the church, there was also a gold image of St. George slaying the dragon. There is certainly plenty to see in Old Cairo as well as in Coptic Cairo and we spent a couple of hours visiting the various sites.

Dome and Tower
Standing in the Church
Artwork in the Church
Marble Crypt


Street Art in Hanoi, Vietnam

Although Hanoi is a very hectic city with bustling streets and every inch of space being utilized, we did happen to find some interesting street art. The majority of the art was found on the highway as we headed from our hotel to the airport and we took the photographs from the car, but most of them were still clear and not blurry. One of the great things about street art is that it reminds us that we are all similar around the world. Images of people, family, home, and our natural surroundings are often subjects of street art, but it is the whimsical nature of the art that is often most common.

Singing and Dancing
Temple Building
Turtle God
On the Wall Behind the Basilica
Family Home
Royal Procession
Dragon God
Fish Mosaic
3-D Tiger
Another Dragon
Colorful Farm with Crops