We Have Arrived in Luxor, Egypt

After a grueling flight with only a little sleep, we landed in Luxor this morning. We have started touring the temples and trying our best to absorb as much of the fascinating history as we can. Tonight we will enjoy a light and music show at the Karnak Temple. We are looking forward to the days ahead.

Ready for Departure

Our bags are packed and we are leaving in a few hours to start our trip to Egypt. We will make every effort to share some information during our trip, but there may be times when we are quiet. We fly from Denver to Munich and then Munich to Cairo. From Cairo we will be flying to Luxor to take a cruise down the Nile River to Aswan. We then fly back to Cairo to tour Giza and the city itself. Needless to say, every day is filled with sights and tours and we are excited at the thought of what we will see. It is going to be a whirlwind of a few days.