An Overwhelming, Emotional Experience

When we visited New York City in July of 2015, we went to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Walking through the exhibit was almost surreal. Despite the number of people, it was so quiet that you literally could have heard a pin drop as people walked to each of the displays. The museum is set up so that as you walk through it, you see events in chronological order as they occurred on that fateful day that every American who was alive at that time can remember vividly. At one point, you get to see the remains of one of fire trucks that was crushed in the collapse and your heart can’t help but sink thinking about the first responders that arrived in that vehicle. We have great respect for first responders and the sacrifices that they make. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Fire Trucks, Fire Houses, and Fire Hydrants, we have a couple of photos that we took during our visit to the museum.

One of the Fire Trucks from September 11
People Viewing the Fire Truck in the Museum
Standing in the Museum Entrance

Fire in Colorado Springs is a scary thing as we have had a couple of devastating fires in the area. When a fire broke out in our neighborhood just a few days after the Waldo Canyon Fire burned down hundreds of homes, it was quite unnerving. Thankfully, the fire fighters got it under control quickly.

Trucks on Our Street
Fire Trucks and Hoses

Humanity Triumphs in the End

Throughout history, people have found new and different ways to inflict pain and suffering on one another. Unfortunately, we have seen too many of these throughout our lifetime, but at the same time, we have seen the very best of people in response to these atrocities. When we saw that this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge was Good and Bad, we had several thoughts about what represented such a theme. In the end, we ended up thinking about the good and bad of our human species. Just recently we went to Nuremberg and visited the court house where the Nazi war criminals were prosecuted and brought to justice. Having been to the holocaust museum in Washington D.C., it was somewhat surreal to step back in time revisit such a historic site where we, as a global community, stepped up and brought evil to justice. Even more poignant for ourselves was visiting the September 11 Memorial in New York. To see how first responders and others sacrificed in the face of such unimaginable hatred is as humbling as any experience could ever be. Photographs will certainly not capture the depth of the emotion, but here are a couple of images of these two special places that remind us not only of the bad things that people are capable of, but more importantly, of the good that arises to overcome any evil in our societies.

Inside of the Nuremberg Court House
One of the Fire Trucks from September 11
View of the Nuremberg Court House
Photograph of a Photograph from the 9/11 Memorial

Another View of the Nuremberg Court House
Infinity Pool at the September 11 Memorial