We went to Denver on Saturday because we were flying out of the Denver airport the following morning. As always, we went to the 16th Street Mall to wander the shops and came across the German Christmas market that is there annually. We really enjoy seeing all of the hand-crafted decorations in all of the various stalls. The market is called the Denver Christkindl Market and it is definitely worth a visit if you’re in Denver in mid-to-late December.
Candy GaloreHats for SkiingHand-Made Candles
Whether it is because the German Christmas traditions were the ones that most influenced the traditions in the United States or whether Colorado has a kindred spirit with Germany, there are several German Christmas markets throughout the state. Years ago, we went to Georgetown in Colorado and bought hand-made Christmas ornaments and had each engraved. We hang those every year, three generations of our family represented proudly.
Paper StarsChristmas DecorationsChristmas Ornaments
Unless you can count a year and a half when one of was two years old, we’ve not been to Germany yet, but it is definitely a destination that we’re going to visit in the very near future. We love these little markets, whether at home or abroad, there is such passion and love represented with each of the hand-made items on display. Hopefully you have a similar market where you live as well.
More Christmas Decorations and OrnamentsGlass OrnamentsScarves, Blankets, and More
We want to wish all of friends a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🙂
We were fortunate enough that when we went to Stratford-upon-Avon, we joined the locals in celebrating the arrival of Santa Claus. It was truly a magical experience and the town of Stratford-upon-Avon was everything that we expected for a small English village. There is something special about walking the streets of a town so rich in history, thinking about all who have walked those same footsteps. The shops, pubs, and people were all extremely welcoming as the holiday spirit certainly filled the air.
Stratford-upon-AvonThe Gathering CrowdPunch and Judy Show
The town of Stratford-upon-Avon is a tourist destination due to the fact that it is the birthplace of William Shakespeare, but we were surrounded more by locals than tourists while we were there. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre is located in Stratford where the plays of Shakespeare are still performed. The original charter for the town was granted in 1196, making it over 800 years old. Located in Warwickshire, England, nestled along the River Avon, it is truly a destination well worth visiting. Seeing the home where Shakespeare was born is a memory that will stay with you forever.
Swan TheatreShakespeare’s Birthplace
The most memorable part of the visit, however, was when everyone gathered in the center of town outside of the Town Hall on Sheep Street to wait for the arrival of Santa Claus. After it turned dark, the town officials came out onto the balcony to address the crowd. Then, to the excitement of the children and adults alike, Santa Claus appeared on the roof, waving to the crowd below. After seeing the arrival of Santa Claus, we went to one of the pubs where there were large punch dispensers with mulled wine to warm the belly as much as our hearts had been warmed.
Gathering Outside of the Town HallArrival of Santa Claus
The following day, we joined other holiday shoppers in the market that had been set up to sell a wide variety of crafts and products. We also visited the various shops that were all festively decorated for the holiday season. We purchased holiday decorations for family and friends as well as some for ourselves. We ended up buying another suitcase, just so we could bring home everything that we found while we were there. There were also plenty of restaurants with local fare to eat, such as the traditional fish and chips, bangers and mash, steak and ale pie, and bubble and squeak. Needless to say, besides the mulled wine, there were plenty of pints of ale to be found and we enjoyed several of them.
The Shops in Stratford-upon-AvonThe Market Place
This was truly one of the highlights of our visit to England. We had been in London prior to heading to Stratford-upon-Avon and it was almost as if we’d travelled back in time. I’m sure that it is beautiful during the summer, but if you get the chance to visit during the holiday season, we’d highly recommend it. Stratford-upon-Avon will stay in our hearts for many years to come.
Needless to say, we pick up souvenirs from all of the places that we visit so that when we see those objects, they remind us of the places we’ve visited. In particular, though, we try to find something Christmas related whenever we can. It is quite enjoyable to be decorating the house or trimming the tree and coming across something that we’ve picked up from one of our travels. It isn’t always possible to find something, but sometimes we will find a Christmas store or curio store that sells something Christmas related.
Little Drummer from Bethlehem PennsylvaniaSanta Claus Figurine from San FranciscoChristmas Ornament from Chicago
We were in England about a month prior to Christmas and one of our fondest memories was going to Stratford-Upon-Avon and seeing the mayor announce the arrival of Santa Claus, who appeared on the roof. We drank mulled wine at a local pub and found a perfect little store full of Christmas decorations. While we were in London, we made our way to Harrods to view their Christmas displays and to do some Christmas shopping.
Christmas Ornament from Stratford-Upon-AvonChristmas Ornament from Harrods in London
Another great memory was when we were in Paris and we found a little store that sold wonderful china where we found the perfect little statue of a boy and girl on a sleigh. It is the memory of the streets of Paris and the little shops that we went into that comes back to our minds as we put it out on our mantelpiece every year.
Decoration from ParisOrnament from ParisLittle Boy and Girl from Estepona Spain
It isn’t as if the items are extravagant or expensive, but we treasure each and every one of them. Whether from Aspen, Chicago, Spain, England, France or any other place, each comes with a trove of memories. What better time of the year to pull out a piece of the past and set it out to remind us of the places that we’ve travelled to.
Tea Light Decoration from ChicagoUnicorn Ornament from Aspen ColoradoOrnament from Aspen Colorado