Flying into Frankfurt

The airport in Frankfurt, Germany, is definitely one of the busiest airports in the world. We had flown through Frankfurt before heading there last fall, but really hadn’t given it a lot of thought. So, when we flew into Frankfurt for our extended stay, we took a few pictures from the plane upon approach. It really doesn’t do it justice as there are plenty of little hamlets that surround the city proper and the airport is far enough away from the actual city that you don’t really get good views of downtown. What you do get a sense for is the fact that the area around Frankfurt is covered in forests and rolling hills. Obviously not the dramatic scenery that we have here in Colorado, but it was definitely what we expected to see in Germany. We are flying up to Montana this weekend, but in our hearts we wish were flying back to Frankfurt. For this week’s Cee’s Which Way Challenge we decided to provide some photos of our approach into Frankfurt and what would become our home for half of a year.

The Clouds Began to Break
Undulating Hills
Tiny Hamlets
Factories along the River
View of the Airport
Downtown Frankfurt


On the Road to Nowhere

Perhaps we just needed to think about someplace warm as the days here in Frankfurt have gotten fairly cold, or maybe just for a change of pace from castles and Christmas markets, we decided to take a journey back to Bolivia for Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge this week. There are times when traveling that you get driven around instead of driving yourself and Bolivia and India both stand out in our minds when it comes to that as we had no desire to drive in either location. This week we decided to share some images that were taken from the back of the van that our guides drove as we traversed the jungles and mountains of Bolivia. We chose photos that were taken through the driver’s window so that you could get a sense of the roads that we were traveling. Some of them were quite harrowing. All of these were from our trip to Carrasco National Park. Obviously we had done Death Road while were in Bolivia, but this should give you an idea of what the “normal” roads were like.

Don’t Think About Passing. Oh, But They Did
Truck after Truck after Truck
How are We Supposed to Get Through?
Heading to Our Eco-Lodge
Middle of Nowhere


Walking with Locks of Love

We haven’t been consistent with sharing for Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge, but we thought we would try to participate more often. For this week, we decided to use a photo from here in Frankfurt. This is the pedestrian bridge that takes you from Altenstadt (Old Town) Frankfurt into the suburb of Sachsenhausen. Sachsenhausen is home to some of the best local restaurants in town as well as a lot of lively pubs, at least from what we understand. The love locks on fences, like these on the bridge, are always intriguing wherever they are found and we definitely enjoyed seeing these. We have wondered over this bridge several times now and will enjoy crossing it to share a meal, perhaps even with one of the locals that we have met.

Bridge across the Main River
Close Up on Some of the Locks
Music on the Bridge
Another View of the Bridge