Children are the Same All Over the World

No matter where you go, you can seeing children playing, smiling, and laughing with unabashed innocence. Are there places with suffering, pain, and even death, of course there are. But even in the midst of poverty and despair, you will still find children who somehow, perhaps only in brief moments, do what children do, have fun. This week’s Discover Challenge is Portraits, which got us thinking about the children that we met in Bolivia. We especially enjoyed meeting Bellina, a little girl from a small village who graciously allowed us to take her photograph. Although we love the coy smile in the one picture where she looked at the camera, the photo where she is just sitting quietly is perhaps an even better window into her personality.

Very Shy
Children Walking Home


Life is to be Shared

We love connecting with new and different people from every place that we travel to. Some are brief encounters and others become long-term friends that we keep in touch with through social media. Clearly we believe that we’ve made several friends just by sharing our stories here on our blog site and we are thankful for each and every one of you. This week’s Discover Challenge is about shared journeys. We thought that we would use this post to express our gratitude to everyone who is sharing our journey as well as sharing theirs with us. Since we use photographs for the challenge, we chose this photo of our guide Remy, who shared his love for Bolivia with us and who we got to know during our brief stay and have continued to stay in touch with.

Our Guide, Remy

Our Love Affair with Cabo San Lucas

Heading Toward the Arch
Cave on “Divorce Beach”

It was the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last. Two weeks after our youngest daughter moved off to college, we boarded a plane and flew to Cabo. It wasn’t that we didn’t miss her, it was just that we were ready to start the next chapter of our life as a couple.  From the moment that we arrived in Cabo, we fell in love with the town.  We went during the off-season, so there weren’t a ton of people, but even during the busy season, it isn’t over-crowded.  Within the city limits, there is a height restriction of seven stories, so there aren’t the enormous resorts with thousands of rooms like there are in places like Cancun.  Since our first trip, we’ve been back a couple more times and our passion for Cabo has only grown.  It is our go-to location when we want a vacation, not travel, but a “sit on the beach with a drink in your hand, complete relaxation get-away”.

Happy on the Beach
Reverse View of the Arch
Living Like a Local

This is our entry for this week’s Discover Challenge: Opening Line.  Not only do we like to go back to Cabo, but we like to revisit our photos from Cabo as well, they are soothing and calming.  All of these were taken during our very first visit to Cabo, which actually ended with a hurricane coming into town on the day that we left.  We have shared other pictures from this trip in the past, so these are all photos that we haven’t previously shared.

Second Honeymoon
Boating Activities
Fish Under Water