Wat Si Saket in Vientiane, Laos

Wat Si Saket is a Buddhist temple and museum in Vientiane, Laos. There are many wats, or temples, in Vientiane and Wat Si Saket was the first that we visited during our day-long tour of Vientiane’s inner city. Built in 1818, it might be the oldest wat as many of the wats have been destroyed and rebuilt due to the many wars and invasions of Laos. Because it is a museum as well as a temple, there are many ancient Buddhist statues on display within the temple grounds.

Reclining Buddha
Ancient Buddha Statues on Display
Drum Tower
Temple Prayer Building
Offerings and Golden Statues
Details on the Roof

The Wat Si Saket was built in the Siamese style of Buddhist architecture, making it different than a lot of the other wats that we visited during our tour. The architecture and artwork were definitely fascinating with so many different details on the various buildings. As with most wats, there were stupas all around the exterior wall of the temple where important Buddhist priests and other citizens are entombed. There is also a typical drum tower, which the priests use to call people to the temple for prayer.

Walking the Grounds of Wat Si Saket
Stupas in the Garden
Entrance to the Wat
Buddha Statue
More Ornate Statues
Gong at the Main Temple

Because the inner city of Vientiane is so walkable, it is easy to visit multiple wats in a single day. Starting with Wat Si Saket is a perfect starting point since it is open to the public from 8:00 to 17:00 seven days a week. It might seem strange to have so many temples in a country that is communist, but as it was explained to us, the political system is communist, the economy is capitalist, and the majority of the people are Buddhist.

Colorful Artwork of Naga
Different Style of Statue
More Stupas in the Garden
Temple Grounds
More Buddha Statues
Temple Roof
Golden Buddha Statues
More of the Courtyard
Colorful Flowers


Thien Tru Pagoda in Vietnam

The final tour that we took in Vietnam from Hanoi was the Perfume Pagoda tour. It is a day trip that takes you along a river with beautiful scenery to a complex of several different pagodas as well as the actual Perfume Pagoda, which is located in a cave at the top of Perfume Mountain. The tour started with a visit to the Thien Tru Pagoda, which is at the heart of the temple complex. The Thien Tru Pagoda is over 500 years old and is truly spectacular with wonderful architecture, artwork, and cultural features.

Statue in Thien Tru Pagoda
Walking the Grounds
Dragon Features on Roof
Ornate Temple Interior
Water Feature
Golden Lion

We visited during the offseason, but from January to March, during the festival season, it is extremely busy as thousands of people come to Perfume Pagoda. To enter Thien Tru Pagoda, you walk up a series of stairs and go through a typical Buddhist arch entry with three openings. The openings represent past, present, and future with the center opening being the present. The main courtyard features two large, gold lions guarding the main temple. It is an active temple and there are offerings inside of the temple and monks can be seen walking around in their orange robes.

Interesting Artwork
Statues of Buddha
Stone Tablet Outside of the Temple
Standing at the Entrance to the Pagoda
Beautiful Vase
Temple Architecture

In addition to the interesting architecture, the surrounding mountains and trees make it even more beautiful. We were some of the only people visiting during our time at Thien Tru Pagoda, but we weren’t completely alone as we did see a snake climbing one of the gates. Since it was fairly colorful, we didn’t get too close as we didn’t know if it was poisonous. We took about an hour walking around the pagoda complex and looking at all of the amazing details.

Statue of a Guard
Colorful Snake
Courtyard Building
Artwork on a Door
View from the Main Temple
More Statues and Offerings

The age of the temple is quite apparent as many of the buildings and stupas are weather worn and the details have faded. The overall experience of walking the grounds of Thien Tru Pagoda is something that make this a worthwhile trip for anyone visiting Hanoi. From the golden Buddha statues, ornate decorations, unique buildings to the natural environment surrounding it, the time spent in Thien Tru Pagoda was one of our favorite memories from Vietnam.

Walking Up the Stairs
Ancient Stupas
Temple Building
Temple Gate
View as You Pass Through the Gate
Flags in the Courtyard


Buddha Park in Laos

Located near Vientiane, Laos is a park that is filled with sculptures representing Buddhist and Hindu images. Built in 1958, the park is a popular tourist attraction for those who travel to Vientiane. Buddha Park is also called Xieng Kuan or Spirit City and has over 200 statues of various sizes. We visited the park with a guide who was able to explain the meaning behind many of the different statues, which made the experience even more interesting.

Jaws of Hell Entrance
Two Reclining Buddhas (They are Farther Apart then It Looks)
Interesting Statues in Buddha Park
Unique Details
Hell, Earth, and Heaven Statue Building
Hindu Statue

One of the main sculptures is a large, round building with a demon face as its entrance. It is a three story building meant to represent Hell, Earth, and Heaven. To enter the building, you walk through the mouth of the demon, also referred to as the jaws of hell. There are many statues inside each of the levels and when you make it to the top you are rewarded with views of the entire park. Another focal point of the park is a large, reclining Buddha statue. We saw many similar such statues in Laos, but this one was definitely interesting.

Inside of the Jaws of Hell Building
Buddha Park
Creepy Statue
Giant Snake
Clear Blue Sky Behind the Statue
Colorful Flowers Among the Statues

Even though the park is only a little over 60 years old, the statues look as though they are centuries old. The park is near the Mekong river, which separates Laos from Thailand. The same sculptor also built a park in Thailand after fleeing Laos in the 1970’s, but the park in Laos is the original park. To fully enjoy the park and take time to see the details of the statues from various angles, you should plan on spending 2 to 3 hours in Buddha Park. It is certainly a fascinating experience and is a contrast to visiting all of the various temples (wats) that are in Vientiane.

Four Elephant Heads
Reclining Buddha
Impressive Statues
More Statues Inside the Building
Wandering through Buddha Park
View of Reclining Buddha from the Roof
