Top 10 Tips for Visiting Yellowstone

We have been fortunate to have been able to visit Yellowstone National Park over a dozen times in the past fifteen years and through those visits we’ve definitely learned some lessons.  It seems that most visitors to the park drive the various roads that traverse the park, stopping at each of the various landmarks as well as stopping whenever they run across a large number of vehicles pulled off on the side of the road, the sure sign of a wildlife spotting. Especially during the summer, there can be hundreds of people crammed around the walkways to get a glimpse at Old Faithful, Mammoth Hot Springs, the Grand Prismatic Spring, or the Paint Pots.  If you want to make the most of your visit to Yellowstone, here are a few things that we recommend.

  1. Hike one of the many trails that are in the park.  When hiking, the park recommends that you go in groups of three or more, make noise, and carry bear spray, but we’ve found that just the two of us is fine.  It never ceases to amaze us at how many people cram into the walkways and viewing stations, but as soon as we step onto a trail, we’re virtually alone in the park.  Some of the most beautiful sites in Yellowstone can only be seen by hiking to them and it also greatly increases your chances of seeing wildlife in the park.  Some of the trails can be strenuous, so be sure to know your limits and always hydrate appropriately.

    View From a Trail
  2. Talk to a ranger at one of the visitor centers or ranger stations located throughout the park.  The rangers will be able to tell where certain wildlife is more likely to be seen, which trails are the best to hike and which ones should be avoided or are closed, as well as just provide great information on the park itself.  The rangers are there to assist people and are always extremely friendly and proud of the park that they serve.  Don’t be afraid to ask them questions, whether it is about where to go and what to see or questions about the various animals, plants, or geological wonders that abound throughout the park.

    Grizzly Bear
  3. Visit the park during the off-season.  Having been to Yellowstone in all four seasons, we enjoy going almost anytime other than summer.  Fall is probably our favorite season as the Aspens have turned to a spectacular gold and the animals are all very active as they prepare themselves for the upcoming winter.  During winter, though, you are more likely to see wolves or some of the more reclusive animals, but be prepared for snow and check for road closures as not all roads are open during the winter.  Spring is also a wonderful time to visit the park as the wildflowers start to bloom and you will likely see some newly born wildlife with their parents.

    Moose in Winter
  4. Go on a ranger led hike.  It is worthwhile checking on the availability of the ranger led activities in advance as some of them book out weeks in advance.  Ranger led hikes allow limited numbers of participants, so you really get a one on one experience and learn things about the park that you never would otherwise.  The rangers all have vast knowledge about the history of Yellowstone as well as everything to do within the park and they are enthusiastic to share that knowledge with you.

    Ranger on a Hike
  5. Don’t approach any of the wildlife.  It amazes us every year to hear about people approaching wildlife in the park and then being seriously injured or killed.  None of the animals are tame, they are all wild animals and this isn’t a petting zoo.  The elk and bison may seem docile, but any animal that is startled or protecting its young can be unpredictable and aggressive.  We all want that amazing photo to share with our friends, but it isn’t worth risking injury or death for it and having a telephoto lens is a much safer way to get that special shot.

    Wolves at Play
  6. Take your time in the park and give yourself several days to see everything.  There is too much to see in Yellowstone to try and cram it in to a single day or even a couple of days.  Despite all of the times that we’ve been to the park, we’re still finding new places to hike and new beautiful sites to see.  Especially if you visit the park during the summer, expect plenty of traffic on the roads and around all of the major attractions.  Don’t be one of those people who stop at one of the various geological wonders like Old Faithful or the Grand Prismatic Spring, take a couple of quick pictures, and jump back in the car.  Take time to look around, read what information is available about what you’re viewing, and look for ways to view it that are different.  Perhaps you’ll capture a picture that is truly different than what most park visitors see.

    Mammoth Hot Springs
  7. Don’t over plan, see the main attractions, but give yourself time to explore.  There is so much to do and see in the park that you could put yourself on a tight schedule and try to see it all, but then you’d miss out on some great opportunities.  Give yourself a chance to take a boat out onto Yellowstone Lake or go horseback riding in the park or Grand Tetons.  Have dinner on a covered wagon excursion or pack a picnic lunch to eat on a long hike.  The best memories are usually those that were made because of a spontaneous decision, so let yourself find one of those memories in Yellowstone.

    One of the Many Waterfalls in Yellowstone
  8. Visit the park near dawn or dusk.  If you’re going to Yellowstone, it is likely that you’re hoping for the opportunity to see some of the wildlife that is abundant in the park.  Although the bison and elk are easy to see in the park, especially in summer, other animals can be harder to find.  It is well worth getting up early or staying late in the park because the wildlife is more active during those times.  We’ve been fortunate to see bears, both black and grizzly, moose, wolves, elk, bison, bald eagles, coyotes, beavers, and many others during our various visits.

    Black Bear
  9. If you have younger children, have them do the Junior Ranger program.  We’ve had the kids participate in the Junior Ranger program at several national parks and earn the Junior Ranger badge at each of them.  The Junior Ranger program is a great way to entertain the kids, while also helping them learn about the park and the animals that reside there.  They are given a booklet with several pages to complete (simple games like word find or match this animal to its environment, etc.) and when completed and returned to the ranger station, they are awarded their very own ranger badge.

    Beautiful Scenery
  10. Be very observant and always scan all around you whether you’re driving through the park or hiking.  You’ll likely run across a large group of vehicles pulled over on the side of the road with people out with their cameras taking pictures of some sort of wildlife.  If you want to be the first vehicle to stop for that wildlife encounter, pay close attention to your surroundings at all times.  You’d be surprised at how often you may run across something very interesting just by having everyone in the car, obviously not the driver, looking through the trees for anything that might be an animal.  It is even more important to be observant when you’re hiking because you don’t want to surprise an animal while on a trail.  Always look as far ahead as possible as well as scanning in all directions, just to be sure that you see any animals before they see you.

    Plenty of Deer in the Park

You Don’t See That Everyday

Between travel and hiking, you inevitably come across things that you just don’t see everyday. We have been fortunate enough to have seen a good variety of wildlife, but most of it has been the typical deer, elk, birds, etc. Occasionally, though, we have come across some animals that have made us stop and say to ourselves how lucky we were to see something that is a little more unique. Some of it is just because we have put ourselves in position to see something special, but a lot of it is really just a matter of luck. When we look back at all of the various wildlife we have seen in their natural habitats, we realize how lucky we have actually been.

Baby Monkey on a Branch
Wild Turkeys
Sea Lions Playing at Pier 39 in San Francisco
Vine Snake
Mountain Goats
Barbary Monkey
Unique Bird in Bolivia
Another Monkey in a Tree in Ecuador


Five Kinds of Wild and Marine Life that You Can Find in the Galapagos Islands

Today we are featuring a guest article from the Happy Gringo tour company, who coordinated all of our tours while we were in Ecuador.  They helped make our trip one that we will cherish for a long time to come:

The Galapagos Islands, like the creatures that call them home, are a rare breed. The archipelago is far away from land, making the animals found there an amazing sight-one in which the wild and marine life are the stars of the show.

It’s widely published that the animals of the Galapagos Islands have no fear of humans. This fact often gets skipped over when researching trips in lieu of tour dates and destinations, cruise itineraries, and time restraints.

To put things in perspective about the incredible wild and marine life found within the borders and waters of the small cluster of islands, here is a list of five different species that you can find in the Galapagos Island and where to find them.


Sea Lions

At the head of the list as they are known as the un-official hosts of the islands, Galapagos sea lions are found on inhabited islands resting on benches, alongside fish merchants, and even in port side restaurants.

On uninhabited islands like Española, North Seymour, and Bartolome-sea lions gather in colonies and along the landing beaches. For those on land and in the water- the curious, friendly creatures are a fun part of the day-partners for lounging in the sun and snorkeling and diving in the waters offshore.


The Galapagos Marine Reserve has the highest percentage of sharks in the world. Thirty-two of the 400 species of sharks in the world are found here, some visit annually, while others call the islands home base year round.

When snorkeling around the archipelago white-tipped reef sharks become an everyday sight-resting in the shallows during the day before heading out to hunt at night. These sharks show little fear of people, but are typically non-aggressive unless, well, stepped on!

Hammerhead sharks are among the marine life that both visits annually and live year-round in the archipelago. Seen in the hundreds at dive sites including Gordon and Kicker Rocks, the Galapagos are one of the few places that you can see these graceful creatures together in large numbers in the world.

Whale sharks, while technically the world’s largest fish, are one of the most exquisite underwater creatures found in the Galapagos and the world. The slow-moving polka-dotted whale shark grows to the size of a bus, and can weigh as much as 15 tons.

The filter feeders visit the Galapagos Islands annually during the months of June to November, when the prevalent Humboldt Current is rich is plankton and brill. The waters surrounding Wolf and Darwin Islands, only visited on live-aboard cruises, are the place to see the giants of the ocean alongside hammerhead sharks, rays, and sea turtles.

Giant Tortoises

If sea lions are the hosts of the islands, giant tortoises form the royal court that watches over the archipelago. Different species of the lumbering giants have seen pirates and whalers come to the islands and deplete their numbers, watched as the archipelago grew with settlers from the mainland and abroad, and today hold court over the thousands of people who visit their realm each month.

Ten species survive today- found in the highlands of Santa Cruz, in reserves on San Cristobal and Isabela, and in small numbers on Floreana Island.

Many of the giant turtle populations on other islands such as Santa Fe were driven to extinction be hunters and those who sold tortoise oil over the centuries to fuel lights in the cities of the mainland.

The Charles Darwin Foundation in partnership with the Galapagos National Park and other conservation organizations have ongoing programs throughout the islands to reintroduce new populations to areas where they are extinct. You can find out more information and see giant tortoise breeding programs at the Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island.


Twenty-nine kinds of whales call the Galapagos waters home at various times during the year. During the period when the Humboldt Current has the upper hand, squads of whales are seen on cruises, while diving, and in the channel off the western shore of Isabela Islands.

Humpback whales are spotted in the greatest abundance between the months of June and September. The mammoth creatures migrate to the cooler, more fertile, waters of the Galapagos to breed and hunt. Humpback whales travel in groups, teaming up to drive smaller fish into snares, and feeding as a group before headed north to give birth.

Orca Whales, like Humpbacks, are spotted in open waters breaching the waters in spectacular acrobatic displays before diving deep in search of fish. The predators sit on the top of the Galapagos food chain, and commonly feed on sea turtles, large fish, and even sea lions.

Blue-Footed Boobies

Blue-Footed Boobies finish this list, representing the winged member of the Galapagos wildlife population. The clumsy birds are the clowns of the islands, greeting hikers on islands including Bartolome, Santa Fe, and North Seymour.

The aptly colored white-breasted bird stands on top of bright-blue webbed feet, with a matching beak and brown wings. Their mating ritual is one of the sideshows of the islands, captivating all ages of travelers with an intricate and humorous back and forth exchange that incorporates strutting their feet, head tilts, squawks, and gift giving into a courtship that can last for life.

While the above cast of characters alone is ample reason to take a trip away from modern life, they are joined by hundreds of other animals that set the stage for an incredible immersion into nature. The Galapagos Islands are a special place where nature takes precedence, bringing the fragile eco-system into focus while exploring a one-of-a-kind destination that seldom fails to exceed expectations.

Author:  Jon Jared – Happy Gringo Travel