The Relaxing Port City of Kusadasi in Western Turkey

Anyone who has taken a cruise ship to Turkey has probably spent at least a day in the port city of Kusadasi. We actually flew into Izmir and then spent a week in Kusadasi using it as our home base as we explored as much of the west coast of Turkey as possible. We also used it as an opportunity to relax for a couple of days before continuing on to Istanbul and then Bulgaria. While there are certainly plenty of historical sites to visit that are just day trips, spending time in the city of Kusadasi is worthwhile if you enjoy sitting by the water and watching the sunsets.

Looking Down the Shore in Kusadasi
Fresh Fish to Select for Dinner
Hand of Peace Statue on the Boardwalk
Sunset and a Fortress

We stayed in a resort that was outside of Kusadasi, but they offered a shuttle that would take us downtown near the port, which we took advantage of a couple of times. The weather was much warmer in Kusadasi then it was as we traveled north, so it was definitely a beach experience. We ate our fair share of seafood, tried some fresh ice cream as well as gelato, and of course had several glasses of wine. There are many different restaurants, all with views of the Aegean Seas and the beaches with people wading and swimming near the shore.

People Wading in the Water
Lemon and Orange Gelato
Kusadasi Sign

Since we usually have trips that are “travel” and others that are “vacation”, it was really nice to have a trip that was actually a little bit of both. Because of all of the cruise ships that do dock at Kusadasi, you do need to pay attention to how many ships are in the port as that does increase the crowds, especially towards the end of the day when they return from their tour of Ephesus, which is where most people on the cruise ships visit. You can also take a day trip to the Greek Island of Samos, but we chose not to do that on this particular trip. We will definitely have fond memories of Kusadasi as we really enjoyed our time sipping on wine and watching the sun set across the water.

Man Fishing
More Statues on the Promenade
Cruise Ships
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cone
Beautiful Sunset
More Fish
Waves and Resorts
Another Statue
The Beginning of the Sunset
Drying Peppers and Gourds
Fish for Dinner
Beautiful Flowers

The Fascinating Rila Monastery Near Sofia, Bulgaria

We took a day trip from Sofia to visit the Rila Monastery, which is located about two hours away in the Rila Mountains southwest of the capital of Bulgaria. The monastery was first founded in the 10th century and gets its name, as does the mountainous region, from the hermit Ivan of Rila who founded it. Although the monastery bears some resemblance to the fortified churches that we saw in Romania a few years back, it did not serve the same purpose as the mountains were fortification enough. The Rila Monastery is considered to be one of Bulgaria’s most important cultural, historical and architectural sites and therefore does attract a fair number of visitors every year.

Entrance to the Monastery
Tower in the Courtyard
Domes of the Main Church
Entrance to the Church

The main church of the monastery was built in the middle of the 19th century and is still in use today. The paintings on the exterior walls are quite dramatic and tell a variety of biblical stories. Next to the main church is the clock tower, which is more of a fortress tower than an actual clock tower, but it is quite dramatic to see as it looks over the entire monastery complex. Surrounding the church in the walls are the quarters where the monks of the monastery would live and work when not at the church for prayers. There are only two gated entrances to the Rila Monastery, one near the parking area where visitors arrive and the other that leads to a small village with a restaurant that is on the opposite side of the main entrance.

View of the Quarters and Working Areas of the Rila Monastery
Artwork at the Ceiling of the Church Entrance
Village and Restaurants Outside of the Gate
Details Outside of the Monastery Quarters

When visiting Sofia, taking a day trip to the Rila Monastery is certainly worthwhile and can be combined with a wine tasting in the same region. For those who enjoy hiking, there are also several hiking trails in the area and many local people visit the mountains simply to enjoy the natural surroundings and beautiful scenery. Just like visiting any other religious site, dressing appropriately is always recommended and women should have their knees and shoulders covered. We definitely enjoyed our time at the monastery as well as lunch at a local restaurant on the river in a village along the road to and from the monastery.

Artwork on the Walls of the Church
Outside Walls of the Monastery
Courtyard and Church
Images of Hell
Ladder to an Observation Deck
Stream Running Next to the Monastery
Another Painting on the Church
Fountain as You Exit the Church
The Main Church
Colorful Rila Mountains
Fascinating Architecture

The Beautiful Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey

One of the highlights of visiting Istanbul is taking a tour of Topkapi Palace that sits high on a hill on a peninsula overlooking the Bosphorus Strait. The history of the palace is fascinating, and it is well worth having a guided tour so that you can learn as much as possible during your visit. Because it is so popular, it is also a good idea to purchase your tickets ahead of time, but you will likely still wait in long lines to get into the palace as you have to go through security before getting to the ticket booths. Standing outside of the main gate, you get a sense of how daunting it must have been to visitors back in the days of the sultans that ruled the Ottoman Empire.

Palace Features
Courtyard Garden
Moorish Tile Work

Once you pass through the main gate, you pass through the first of four courtyards. Each courtyard leads to the next courtyard where only the most privileged can get to the fourth and final courtyard. The first courtyard was where the imperial parades would have taken place and would have been the site of pomp and circumstance. The courtyards feature gardens and fountains and are quite beautiful and provide a sense of calm, which was the desired effect.

View of the Bosphorus Strait
Sultan’s Throne
The Initial Gate

The third courtyard is the location where the sultan would hold private audiences, but only to the most distinguished dignitaries. It is also the location of the library where the boys would be taught all that was necessary to become future leaders. It was also the location of the harem and the sultan’s concubines. The fourth courtyard was the private residences of the sultan their immediate family members. The entire palace is built in the Moorish architecture. It is quite stunning and at times overwhelming.

Building in the Fourth Courtyard
Fountain in the Courtyard
Ceilings in One of the Gate

You can spend hours walking the grounds of the palace and seeing all of the various buildings. There are also depictions of what life was like for the powerful sultans back in height of the Ottoman Empire. There are plenty of sites to see when visiting Istanbul, but the Topkapi Palace is certainly one of most important to put on your itinerary along with the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia.

Display in the Palace
Gate to the First Courtyard
Lantern in a Palace Building
Crowds Waiting to Enter
View from the Fourth Courtyard
Palace Exterior Wall
More Details Inside of the Palace
Inside of the Fortress Walls
Another Building
Large Fountain