Taking the Scenic Crescent Lift to See the Changing Leaves in Park City, Utah

During the summer and autumn months in Park City, there are a few lifts that will take you into the mountains where you can have amazing views. There are less lifts available in the autumn season, but with the leaves changing, it is absolutely stunning. The scenic crescent lift is located at the adventure park with the mountain coaster, alpine slide, and other family activities. The lift is used for transporting mountain bikers and their bikes as well as hikers or those just wanting to enjoy the views to mid-mountain.

Aspens and Burnt Orange Bushes
View Heading Up the Lift
Colorful Hillside
Views of the Valley Below
Alpine Slide Winding Amongst the Trees
It Was a Beautiful Day

Unfortunately for us, to get tickets for the scenic crescent lift you have to wait in the same line as the people getting tickets for all of the other activities at the mountain adventure park, which took us about thirty minutes. Fortunately, once we had our tickets, there was no line to get on the lift and we were quickly on our way up the side of the mountain to enjoy the amazing views. The lines for the other activities were much longer as it was a Saturday and families were taking advantage of everything that the adventure park had to offer.

Can Never Get Enough of Views Like This
Aspens Below Us on the Lift
More Orange Than Golden in Places
Golden Aspen Groves
Mountain Coaster
Looking Off to the Left from the Chair Lift

Unless you decide to hike all of the way down, you take the lift back down to the base of the mountain, which provides a completely different view than those on the way up the mountain. The leaves were still in the process of changing, so there was quite a variety of colors as we we rode the lift and when we walked around after getting off at mid-mountain. Although it was worth the wait in order to get our tickets, we probably would have preferred to go on a weekday had we known about the crowds.

Stunning Views
Vibrant Colors All Around Us
The View of the Steep Descent to the Base
Dense Trees Next to the Lift
People on the Zip Line
Entrance to the Adventure Park
Another View from the Lift
Miniature Golf Course

Historic Main Street in the Heart of Park City, Utah

When visiting Park City in Utah, it is mostly about outdoor activities whether in the summer with hiking and biking or in the winter with skiing and snowboarding. When the day is over though, the place to be is on historic main street with all of the local shops and an abundance of restaurants to choose from. The architecture is what you’d expect from a historic mountain town and even in the off-season, like when we went, the streets will be busy with tourists. Most of the resorts are either in the Mountain Village, which is just a few blocks away from main street or in Canyons Village, which is where we stayed. Regardless of where you are staying, the town of Park City provides free bus transportation to get you around.

Busy Main Street in Park City
Popular Location on Main Street
View from the Center of Historic Main Street
Quiet End of the Street

We went to historic main street a couple of times during our week-long stay in Park City and there were so many options of places to see. Whether you want to do window shopping or go into one of the many art galleries and novelty stores, you can definitely find something interesting to take home with you if you desire. At least for us, it was all about finding unique places to grab a bite to eat and there are more than a couple of dozen choices on or just off of main street to choose from. When visiting Utah, it is important to understand that their liquor laws are different than most other states. For example, if the establishment only has a restaurant liquor license and not a bar liquor license, you are required to get food if you want an adult beverage.

Historic Architecture
Building with Bell Tower
One of the Statues in Town
More Interesting Architecture

Regardless of whether you want to shop, eat at a restaurant, or just people watch, there is plenty to keep you occupied on historic main street. Sitting in the valley and surrounded by the mountains, the views are wonderful both of the town as well as the surrounding tree-lined ski slopes. Since it is autumn, the trees had changed, making the scenery even more dramatic as we walked along the street. Our last day was on a Saturday and although we drove down main street, we chose not to stop as the crowds were a little bit more than what we prefer to deal with.

Benches to Sit and Enjoy
Walking the Street When No Tourists were Around

Colorful Scenery on the Holly’s Trail in Canyons Village Near Park City, Utah

There are obviously many wonderful trails in the vicinity of Park City in Utah and we chose to hike the Holly’s Trail, which was located near our resort. Although the trail starts at the base of a ski lift, once you climb up and away from the village, it then heads into the trees and you almost forget that you are located amongst the ski runs. Parts of the trail are moderate and other parts are easy, which makes it a great choice for anyone wanting to get out and explore nature without having to do a strenuous hike. Just because you are hiking the mountains that are used for skiing, they still attract a variety of animals during the summer and autumn months, so it is important to keep you eye out as you hike.

Colorful Scenery
The Trail Heading into the Trees
Clear Skies During Our Hike
Wild Flowers at the Start of the Hike
View of the Valley Below
Enjoying the Mountains All Around

It was a little warmer than we expected, but still the weather was nice and the skies were clear. The trees had started to turn and we were pleased to see a variety of golden yellow and burnt orange foliage throughout our hike. As we hiked higher above the Canyons Village, we were greeted with wonderful views of the valley below. It was definitely an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon and enjoy the natural beauty of the Utah mountains. We had a wonderful time in during our trip to Park City and getting out to do some hiking was certainly a highlight of our time there.

Colorful Bushes Along the Trail
Looking Down at the Lift Where the Trail Starts
The Views as We Climbed Higher
Burnt Orange Leaves on a Bush
Beginning of the Trail
More of the Autumn Colors