Latest Blog Posts

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Opposites

    After a very long drive home, we’re finally back from Chicago. It was, as always, an interesting trip with lots of sights and activities. We’ll talk more about our trip later, but for last week’s photo challenge, opposites, we figured that we would share a photo from our trip. As with any modern city with a… Read more

  • Roadtrip to Chicago

    Our posts my be a little sporadic over the next few days as we are making the eighteen hour drive from Colorado Springs to Chicago. We are visiting our youngest daughter and enjoying one of our favorite cities. Chicago has so many restaurants, museums, and sporting events that we’ll likely be very busy over this… Read more

  • Our Love Affair with Cabo San Lucas

    It was the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last. Two weeks after our youngest daughter moved off to college, we boarded a plane and flew to Cabo. It wasn’t that we didn’t miss her, it was just that we were ready to start the next chapter of our life as a couple.  From… Read more

  • The Fusion Food of Lima, Peru

    We had heard a lot about the food of Peru and, more specifically, of Lima. With the praise that has been given by chef’s such as Anthony Bourdain about the vibrant food scene in Lima, we were interested to taste for ourselves what people were talking about. We talked to the concierge at the hotel… Read more

  • Hiking in the Rockies

    One of our favorite hobbies is to get out into nature and to go on a hike. If we could, we would probably go hiking every weekend, but unfortunately life doesn’t always cooperate. Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week is all about Walking, Indoors and Outdoors, so we thought we’d take everyone on a hike… Read more

  • Gibraltar – A Foreign Outpost

    When we were in southern Spain a few years ago, we visited Gibraltar, which is a British territory located on the most southern end of the Iberian peninsula.  Gibraltar is more of a sovereign city than a country, but despite its size, you still have to pass through customs and border patrol in order to… Read more