The Food of Vientiane

Although we were only in Vientiane for a few days, we wanted to make sure that we tried as many local Laotian dishes as we could. The food of Laos is influenced greatly by its neighboring countries as well as the French who occupied it. With that said, there are a few dishes that are unique to Laos. With Vientiane sitting on the Mekong River, fish from the river can be found on most of the local menus.

Fried Noodles with Beef
Mekong Fish in Coconut Sauce Served with Sticky Rice
Nothing Like a Good Cup of Coffee

One of the first meals that we ate in Vientiane was Laab, which is considered to be national dish of Laos. We had the choice of chicken, pork, duck, or fried fish, but chose to have it with pork. Laab, which means “good fortune” in the Lao language, is a mix of meat, banana flowers, fish sauce, lime juice, chili, and herbs. We also ate fish from the Mekong River that was in a coconut sauce. Another common item that we ate several times was sticky rice. We had a couple of different versions of sticky rice, some more flavorful than others. Fried noodles with beef, chicken, or pork is a local favorite throughout the region and we enjoyed having it as well.

Pork Laab
Sticky Rice
Spicy Noodles with Seafood

We also ate a local chicken soup that was cooked and served with the bones in for even more flavor. Spicy noodles is common throughout the region and we chose to have it with seafood. The wide noodles were different than most of the other noodles that we ate during our time in Southeast Asia. We also had some crab dim sum that was light and refreshing. There are plenty of options for street food and coffee and beer are definitely popular as well. On our last day, we stopped in at an Indian/Pakistani restaurant where we had vegetable and chicken samosas.

Street Food
Chicken Soup
Crab Dim Sum

No matter where you travel, it is important to taste the local cuisine as it is a window into the culture. The food in Vientiane, Laos was certainly true of that as well. The food was very flavorful and had just the right amount of spice for our tastes. We would certainly recommend trying the Laab, Mekong Fish, and Sticky Rice if you have the opportunity to visit Laos.

Vegetable and Chicken Samosas
National Lao Beer


Enjoying Our First Few Days in Hanoi, Vietnam

It has been a hectic and yet satisfying start to our trip to Vietnam and Laos. We have only scratched the surface of all that we will see, but it is already an amazing experience. Until we get home and have time to provide all of the details, a few pictures of our first couple of days will have to do. We will do our best to share more over the coming days.

Inside of the Temple of Literature
Egg Coffee
Temple on Sword Lake
Saint Joseph’s Cathedral
Enjoying Our First Full Day
Entrance to the Temple on Sword


General Itinerary for Our Vietnam/Laos Trip

We are one day away from heading to the airport to depart for Vietnam. We have several tours scheduled in order to maximize our time, but also have some time to explore on our own. Needless to say, we are really looking forward to our experiences. It will be a busy trip, but we are looking forward to seeing as much as possible. Here is a brief outline of what we’ll be doing over the next couple of weeks.

  1.  Hong Kong Tour – We purposely chose a long layover in Hong Kong and have lined up a 6 hour tour to explore the city. We fly from Hong Kong to Hanoi in the early evening after our tour.
  2.  After spending the night in Hanoi, we will have a full day to ourselves to explore the Old Quarter and Sword Lake. There will certainly be plenty of opportunities to enjoy different types of street food and restaurants.
  3.  We have the first part of the day to continue to explore Hanoi on our own, but meet a chef in the afternoon where we’ll go to a local market to pick up ingredients and then learn to cook an authentic 5 course Vietnamese meal.
  4.  The following day, we fly from Hanoi to Vientiane, Laos where we have an Airbnb. After getting settled, a guide will pick us up to take us to the famous Buddha Park.
  5.  After a good night sleep, we will have a guided tour of Vientiane and see a variety of temples and other famous sites.
  6.  Our flight back to Hanoi doesn’t leave until the evening on the next day, so we will have a pretty full day to explore Vientiane on our own and make sure that we experience as much of the food and culture as we can.
  7.  Having arrived back in Hanoi, things get even busier for our next four days. First we will do a Hao Lu – Tam Coc – Mua Cave Tour. This is a full day tour that features temples, bicycling through the countryside, taking a sampan on the Ngo Dong river, and visiting 3 different caves and seeing panoramic views of the countryside.
  8.  The next day we will travel four hours to the marina of Ha Long Bay where we will embark on a two day cruise that features amazing views of the islands as well as exploring more caves in the bay.
  9.  After two days exploring Ha Long Bay, we do our final tour in Vietnam and visit Perfume Pagoda. We’ll take another boat ride on a river and see the unique pagoda that is actually inside of a cave.
  10.  Finally, we start our return trip where we again have a long layover in Hong Kong and will be spending the night there before finally getting on our long flight back to the United States.

It should be an amazing trip, but as busy as we’ll be our opportunities to post will be limited. We look forward to sharing all of our experiences upon our return.