Eguisheim, France

There are many wonderful towns on the wine road in Alsace, France. One of the first towns that we visited during our day tour from Strasbourg was Eguisheim. It is a medieval town that was built in rings of buildings that circle the town square. With its historic buildings, tiny streets, and unique shops, it is a popular destination for tourists who visit Alsace and the wine road. One of the highlights of Eguisheim is the Chapelle Saint-Leon IX, which is a beautiful chapel located near the fountain in the town square.

Narrow Streets of Eguisheim
Chapelle Saint-Leon IX
Beautiful Architecture
Historic Quaintness
Wondering Through the Town

We visited Eguisheim during the winter and there were still plenty of crowds, but we would expect the town to be even more crowded during the summer months when the entire area is a popular destination. Walking the narrow streets is truly like stepping back in time and has an almost magical quality. One of things that we enjoyed were the many whimsical shops that can be found as you take the tour around the main loop that surrounds the town and then leads you to the town center. It is definitely a romantic location.

Crowded with Tourists and Locals
Colorful Ceiling Above the Altar
Whimsical Shops
Front of the Chapel
Scenes Depicting Pope Saint-Leon IX’s Life

The Chapelle Saint-Leon IX was built in the neo-Roman style in 1894 and dedicated to Pope Saint-Leon IX. The chapel has beautiful stained glass windows that date back to 1895 as well as colorfully painted walls and ceilings depicting seven scenes from the life of Saint-Leon. It is certainly worth taking time to see the chapel when visiting Eguisheim. Located near the main fountain in the town square, there are also several restaurants near the chapel that serve a variety of local food.

Witch Above a Store Door
Inside of the Capel
Stained Glass
Medieval Charm
Colorful Buildings

Eguisheim is definitely a beautiful town in the heart of Alsace. We spent a couple of hours in the town and enjoyed our time their immensely. The town has received multiple accreditations for its beauty and history, making it one of the most popular stops on the wine road of Alsace.

Bell Tower with Bird’s Nest
Historical Streets
Town Square and Chapel
Statue of Saint-Leon IX Inside the Chapel
Shops, Restaurants, and a Market


Tilapia with a White Wine Sauce

Pairing fish with a white wine sauce is quite common as they naturally compliment one another. It also works great with clams, mussels, or scallops, but we chose Tilapia as it takes on the flavor of whatever it is cooked with. We did it as a weeknight meal for two, but it certainly can be done for a larger group, although pan frying fish filets for more than four or five would require cooking them in batches. We have certainly had seafood with white wine sauce in many different European countries as well as in cities here in the United States. Any time you cook with wine, it is always important to cook with a wine that you would want to drink on its own as, even the alcohol will cook out, the flavor of the wine will clearly remain and intensify.

Clams with White Wine Sauce in Amsterdam


  •  2 Tilapia Filets
  •  1/2 cup All-Purpose Flour
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  •  2 tbsp Unsalted Butter
  • 1 tbsp Vegetable Oil
  •  1/3 cup Shallots – finely chopped
  •  1 cup Dry White Wine (we used a chardonnay)
  •  1 tbsp White Wine Vinegar
  •  1/3 cup Heavy Cream
  • 1 tbsp Dried Parsley
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
Sautéed Tilapia


Place the flour on a shallow plate, mixing it with salt, pepper, and the paprika. In a medium skillet, melt 1 tablespoon of butter over medium-high heat and sauté the shallots for 2 to 3 minutes until they are translucent. Add the wine and vinegar and simmer until reduced by half and the alcohol has cooked off, about 6 minutes. Add the cream and cook for another 5 minutes and then add the parsley, salt and pepper. Pour the sauce into a bowl and then add the remaining butter and oil into the pan. Dredge both sides of the Tilapia with the flour and cook for about 3 to 4 minutes per side until browned and flakey. Place the fish onto serving plates and spoon the white wine sauce over top.

Cooking the Shallots
Reducing the White Wine
White Wine Sauce
Tilapia with White Wine Sauce


‘Tis the Season for Food and Drink

It is that time of year when holiday parties are in full swing and generally people allow themselves a little bit of indulgences. There are a few favorites that we enjoy almost every year, whether at home or on the road. If we are traveling, we will sometimes seek out places that serve some of our holiday favorites just so that we don’t miss out on our traditional meals. We may not be big sweet eaters, but this is a time where we will sometimes give in and have some pies, cookies, or even candy. Here are a few of our favorite meals and drinks for this time of year.

Fondue in Zurich
  1. Prime Rib – If we’re at home, we will make a nice meal of prime rib and Yorkshire pudding. It is a simple meal that is elegant and is great for entertaining as it can feed a crowd. The leftovers are also great for cold sandwiches or even a hot French dip.

    Prime Rib with Yorkshire Pudding
  2. Snugglers – Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps is a perfect way to warm yourself from the inside out. Whether ending a day of skiing, coming in from playing in the snow, or just a perfect ending to a cold day, this is a very festive drink.

    Snuggler with Peppermint Bark
  3. Apple Pie – At this time of year, warm apple pie with some vanilla ice cream is a wonderful treat. It is also good as a cobbler or a crumble with traditional spices that will remind you of the holidays. We did miniature versions so that everyone got their own individual pie.

    Apple Pie and Vanilla Ice Cream
  4. Mulled Cider – Spiking some mulled cider with some brandy or whiskey is another great way to get a taste of the season. Although we usually have it during the fall, it is also great all of the way through winter as well. It has many of the tastes of an apple pie, but in a drink.

    Enjoy the Spiked Cider in a Rocks Glass
  5. Pumpkin Cookies – Although many people have pumpkin pie at this time of year, we opt for cookies. We can share them with friends or take them to a party. They are easy to make and are soft and almost cake-like.

    Moist and Delicious
  6. Fondue – Whether an oil fondue, which is our tradition, or a cheese fondue, like we had in Switzerland, it is a very communal way of sharing a meal. There is something really festive about eating small bites of food while talking with friends and having a glass of wine.

    Our Fondue Table
  7. Gluhwein – We always enjoy going to the Christmas markets this time of year, whether in Europe or even here in the United States. If we’re not at a market, we will make ourselves mulled wine, which certainly reminds us of the wonderful Gluhwein that we had during our time in Germany.

    Gluhwein in Frankfurt

Regardless of your holiday traditions, food and drink is likely to be part of them. We have enjoyed learning about other traditions throughout the world, but that doesn’t keep us from gravitating back to the ones that have been part of our lives for years. Whatever your traditions, we hope that you have a wonderful holiday season.