Some of Our Favorite Pub Experiences

It is quite common for us to grab a glass of wine or a beer in a casual pub when we are traveling. We often use the time to people watch and relax our legs after spending the day visiting all of the various sites. There have been a few occasions where visiting a pub was more than just a place to grab a quick drink, but was part of the experience of visiting the location. Having a drink with locals is always an interesting experience, but here are some of our favorite memories of going to pubs while traveling.

Eclectic Decorations
Upstairs in Szimpla Kert

Going to a Ruin Pub in Budapest, Hungary – Ruin Pubs are bars that have been opened up in dilapidated buildings that were partially destroyed during WWII. They are usually decorated with random furniture and decorations that have been gathered from anywhere that they can find them. The decorations are colorful, whimsical, and don’t follow any particular themes other than uniqueness. Because of their popularity, they can be quite busy, noisy, and sometimes a little rowdy. We went late afternoon to early evening and stayed away from the late night crowds.

Enjoying a Pint in Brazen Head
Inside of The Brazen Head

Brazen Head Pub in Dublin, Ireland – This is officially Ireland’s oldest pub. The pub itself has the feel that you would expect from the oldest pub in Ireland, stone walls and a dark atmosphere, but over time the pub has grown into a full restaurant and hotel with many floors of rooms to serve eager guests. We preferred the atmosphere of the old pub, but could certainly see the beer garden being a lively spot during a warmer time of year. No visit to Dublin is complete without visiting this famous spot, especially if you are a fan of historic pubs as we are.

View from the Pub
Sitting in the Booth of One of Our Favorite Pubs in Frankfurt

Alten Limpurg in Frankfurt, Germany – Located in the old town area of Frankfurt, this historic pub became our favorite watering hole while we were living in Frankfurt. We became friends with all of the staff and enjoyed talking about the behavior of the “tourists” who would visit the bar and often were rude to the staff. The bar itself has been in operation since 1495 and is small, but very welcoming. There is no doubt that we have very fond memories of this location and if you are in Frankfurt, stop in and say hello to the staff for us.

The Local Pub
Irish Pub

These aren’t the only places where we’ve enjoyed a pint in an interesting location, but these are our favorite memories. Some other locations that we enjoyed finding a local pub were in Reykjavik, Gibraltar, and Lima. There is something very comfortable about going to these casual locations that serve cold drinks and often some of the best local foods as well.

Vietnamese Egg Coffee (Café Trung)

One of the things that we enjoyed during our visit to Hanoi in Vietnam was egg coffee. We had heard and read about it prior to our trip and it was highly recommended that we gave it a try. It can be found on the menus of almost every café and we enjoyed it at a coffee shop just outside of the St. Joseph’s Cathedral. We also had it during our cooking class and we got the recipe from the class instructor. We also received some really good Vietnamese coffee as a gift before we left Vietnam, but obviously it can be made with any good coffee. Some people might find it a little sweet, but that also depends on the strength of the coffee that you make it with. This was our first attempt to make it at home and we were really pleased with how it turned out.

Egg Coffee at the Café in Hanoi


  • 4 cups Vietnamese or Robust Coffee
  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 4 tbsp Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 2 tsp Honey
  • Chocolate Shavings
Making Egg Coffee in the Cooking Class in Hanoi


Make the coffee per the directions on the package. Separate the egg yolks from the whites and place them in a bowl. Vigorously whisk the eggs until they thicken. Add the condensed milk and honey and continue to whisk vigorously until the egg mixture reaches the consistency of a custard (using an electric blender will help with this). Pour the coffee into individual cups. Using a spoon, gently poor the custard over the top of the coffee. Sprinkle with the chocolate shavings and enjoy.

Egg Custard
Vietnamese Coffee (Our Gift)
Egg Coffee at Home

The Historic St. Martin’s Cathedral in Bratislava, Slovakia

One of the key sites to see when visiting the capital city of Bratislava in Slovakia is St. Martin’s Cathedral. For 267 years, the church hosted the coronations of Hungarian kings and queens making it a significant landmark in the region. The church itself is 800 years old and in 1291 it was rebuilt to be part of the city walls. Although the walls no longer fully surround the old town area, part of the wall still exists. The interior of the cathedral is quite large with many interesting pieces of artwork.

St. Martin’s Cathedral
Impressive Artwork
Ornate Pews
One of the Sculptures within St. Martin’s Cathedral
Large Interior of the Cathedral
Wall Connected to the St. Martin’s Cathedral

The current cathedral was built in 1452 and features four chapels. There is the chapel of Sophia of Bavaria, the chapel of St. Anne, and the chapel of St. John the Merciful. The portal of the southern antechamber is considered to be one of the oldest examples of Renaissance architecture in Slovakia. The dome on the clock tower of St. Martin’s Cathedral can be seen from throughout the area. The church is certainly a highlight of any visit to Bratislava.

Detailed Artwork
Pulpit in the Main Chamber
Memorial Reliefs in the Church
Carving on a Pew
The Organ Pipes
Cathedral Ceiling