Our Overall Impressions of Budapest

We certainly enjoyed our week in Budapest, which included a full day trip to Bratislava in Slovakia. Although the weather didn’t always cooperate, we managed to adjust our schedules to account for the rain and definitely made the most of our time. Budapest is a beautiful city in Hungary with a lot of wonderful architecture and unique features that can be found throughout the old town areas. Sitting on the shore of the Danube River, it has been flooded and rebuilt over time, but there are many buildings that are centuries old and represent many different architectural styles. We found the historic districts to be extremely walkable, but there is an excellent public transportation system, at least within the city itself.

St. Stephen’s Basilica
Vajdahunyad Castle Near Heroes Square

After traveling 20 hours, including layovers, and arriving early on a Sunday morning, we got settled into our hotel and headed out to get acquainted to the area. Unfortunately, after asking the concierge for directions, we misunderstood which way to go. When we reached the main street, one of the ringed streets that circle the city and denote historical borders of the city throughout its history, we turned the wrong direction and headed away from the river and the Inner City district. Since we thought that we were heading the right direction, we were surprised to see that the buildings were not historic and beautiful, but rather very utilitarian as one would expect from a country that was occupied by the Soviet Union. When we reached the main train station, we were pretty confident that we’d gone the wrong way. We managed to find a good restaurant for lunch and then walked back towards our hotel and to our intended destination.

Royal Palace in the Castle District
Chain Bridge Looking Towards Pest

The city is broken up  into several districts and there are certain ones that must be on your list to see during your time in Budapest. Without a doubt the Castle District with the Royal Palace should be high on your list of places to visit. It is important to understand that Budapest is actually made up of two regions that are separated by the Danube. The side with the Castle District resides in Buda and the Parliament and Inner City are in Pest. They were distinct cities until the Chain Bridge was built and the cities were combined to make the single city of Budapest. There are important sights to see on both sides of the river, so we crossed the bridges several times during our stay.

St. Michael’s Church in the Buda Castle District
Parliament Building Along the Danube River

To understand the culture of Hungary, it is important to understand its history, which hasn’t always been pleasant. They have been conquered many times and also chose to side with Germany in both World Wars, which didn’t work out well for them. They also used to be one of the largest and most powerful countries in Europe and their borders and influence have been drastically reduced after the losses in the World Wars. They were also absorbed by the Soviet Union after the war, which was another tragic period in their history. There is definitely a sense of pride and optimism with their inclusion in the EU, but they don’t shy away from their history, including the role that the holocaust played within the country.

Heroes Square Monument
View of Buda from the Citadel

All in all, our initial impression of Budapest is that of a historic city with a complex history and culture. From the Hungarians initial migration from Asia to the Carpathian region, their ability to withstand multiple occupations, and the decisions that led them to be on the wrong side of history, there is much more to understand than just the typical palaces, castles, and cathedrals that dominate most visits to cities in Europe. In some ways, the fact that it rained a couple of days during our trip added to our impression of the city and its somewhat dark history. We look forward to providing details about each of the important sites to visit over the coming weeks.

Inside the Courtyard of the Great Synagogue
Historic Tower in the Castle District


First Full Day in Budapest

After a long, but uneventful flight to Budapest, we spent our first full day exploring yesterday. It was truly a wonderful day, full of sunshine and amazing sights. We walked part of the inner city, toured the castle district, and even did a dinner cruise on the Danube River. Today is a rainy and cool day, so we’ll be focusing on inside activities. We still have plenty to see, plus a trip planned to go to Bratislava, Slovakia. We are really looking forward to sharing our stories when we get home, but here are a few pictures of our first day.

Walking in the Castle District
Royal Palace
Tower in the Castle District
Palace Fountain
Mathias Church
Chain Bridge
Royal Palace at Night from the Dinner Cruise


Löwenburg Castle in Kassel, Germany

One of the first places that we visited when we were living in Frankfurt was to Kassel. Löwenburg Castle was also the first castle that we saw during our time there and it certainly didn’t disappoint as it is certainly a very interesting castle with a unique architecture. Located inside of Bergpark Wilhemshöhe, the castle grounds are quite beautiful and has great views of Kassel. We didn’t go inside of the castle because we visited on our own, but if you purchase a guided tour, it is possible to see the inside. The entire park is interesting with Schloss Wilhemshöhe, the Hercules Statue, and a large, fountain and water feature that cascades down the hillside, but Löwenburg Castle is certainly a highlight of the park.

Entrance to the Castle
Steep Steps on the Castle Grounds
Exterior of Löwenburg Castle
Walking Towards Löwenburg Castle
Views of Kassel from the Castle

Built in the late 18th century by Landgrave Wilhelm IX, the castle is partially in ruins, although there were some repairs going on during our visit there. Kassel is part of a route in Germany known as the Fairy Tale Road, with its connection to the Brothers Grimm, and walking the grounds of the castle will definitely take you back in time. The castle itself is actually an imitation of an old knight’s castle and apparently is really more of a country palace on the inside. Even so, it still draws tourists from around the world as well as Germany because of its fascinating features.

Interesting Architecture
Picturesque Grounds Around the Castle
Features of the Castle
Statue in a Garden
Boarded Up Windows

The gardens are also quite beautiful, especially the pathway that is covered by arching trees that create a tunnel-like feel. As you walk the paths around the castle, you can imagine how wonderful it must have been to live there with its amazing views and gorgeous grounds. Kassel is a wonderful city and certainly worth visiting while in Germany. If you do visit Kassel, Löwenburg Castle, as well as the entire Bergpark Wilhemshöhe, should definitely be the top of your itinerary. It is also worth visiting the Brothers Grimm Museum as well while you are in Kassel.

Trees Over the Path
A Mixture of Architectural Features
Obscured by the Ancient Trees
Intentional Damage to Replicate a Ruined Knight’s Castle
Steep Hills and Trees on the Castle Grounds