Latest Blog Posts

  • From Kenya to Tanzania, Our Adventure Continues

    After a morning game drive in Amboseli National Park, we crossed the border into Tanzania. We spent the afternoon going through the Lake Manyara Park, we are relaxing in a nice lodge before heading to the Ngorongoro Crater. We are only three days into our safari and pictures cannot come close to capturing the experience… Read more

  • First Day of Safari in Amboseli Park

    We arrived yesterday afternoon, a half day late, but that is another story. We made the most of our day with an all-day game drive. We will have limited access to WiFi, but we will share whenever we are able. Once we get home and have time to go through all of our photos, we… Read more

  • The General Itinerary for Our Upcoming African Safari

    It is hard to believe that we are only a few days away from departing for our 12 day African Safari. To be clear, until we’re sitting on the plane leaving from Frankfurt to Nairobi, the last leg of the outbound trip, we are taking nothing for granted. Although we are fully vaccinated, we still… Read more

  • The Beauty of a Mountain Trail

    We love hiking throughout the year and the scenery in the Rocky Mountains is always quite stunning. Although we always take time to look around and see the mountain peaks or stop to gaze at a waterfall, but when you hike you spend the majority of your time staring at the trail that is right… Read more

  • Taking Photographs of Animals can be a Tricky Proposition

    We have seen many different animals throughout our travels, some of them more interesting than others. As we prepare for our safari, we know that we will come home with many more animal photographs than what we even have today. We are always on the lookout for motion in the trees that surround us, the… Read more

  • Iconic Skylines and Cityscapes Around the World

    Traveling the world, there are places that you visit where the view of the skyline is entrenched in your memory. As soon as you see it in a picture or in a movie, you immediately know exactly where you are. It is amazing how the simple image of a cityscape can suddenly transport your mind… Read more