Many Temples in Vientiane, Laos

On our first full day in Vientiane, Laos, we spent a majority of the day visiting temples, of which there are many. It is amazing how beautiful each of them were and unique and similar at the same time. With so many details to see, you could spend hours admiring the architecture and the art of the temples. Obviously, we saw a lot more than just the temples, but that was certainly a large part of our first day in Vientiane.

Amazing Architecture
Buddha in a Temple
Offerings for Buddha
Artwork Depicting the Life of Buddha


Our First Afternoon in Vientiane, Laos

We have had limited opportunities to share any of our experiences due to the long days and limited access to our computer. We will provide details when we return home, but for now we at least wanted to share a few photographs from some of the places that we’ve seen. After a couple of days in Hanoi, Vietnam, we flew to Vientiane, Laos where we spent an afternoon at Buddha Park, which was amazing. Needless to say, the pictures don’t truly do it justice, but here is a brief glimpse into this wonderful site.

Jaws of Teeth
Different Styles of Statues in the Park
A Sense of Calm
Looking Over the Park
Reclining Buddha


Enjoying Our First Few Days in Hanoi, Vietnam

It has been a hectic and yet satisfying start to our trip to Vietnam and Laos. We have only scratched the surface of all that we will see, but it is already an amazing experience. Until we get home and have time to provide all of the details, a few pictures of our first couple of days will have to do. We will do our best to share more over the coming days.

Inside of the Temple of Literature
Egg Coffee
Temple on Sword Lake
Saint Joseph’s Cathedral
Enjoying Our First Full Day
Entrance to the Temple on Sword