Fountain Photo Challenge – Urban Fountains

Here is another photo for the urban fountain photo challenge. This is a photo of the Swann Memorial Fountain in Logan Square Philadelphia. Designed by Alexander Calder in 1924, the figures are of Native Americans meant to symbolize the three major waterways around Philadelphia. The Delaware River is represented as a man, the Schuykill River by a woman, and the Wissahickon Creek as a girl.

Native American Figures
Fountain from the Distance
Swann Memorial Fountain


Daily Post Photo Challenge – Life Imitates Art

When we were in San Francisco, we had a gorgeous view of the city from our hotel room. We were playing around with the shutter speeds and aperture settings, but we didn’t have our tripod with us. The result was what you see here. We definitely weren’t trying to do anything artistic, let alone imitate anything specific, but the results were what they were. What are your thoughts?

View from Hotel
Painting – Artist Unknown
Another Image from the Hotel