Delicious Apple Bourbon Cocktails – Perfect for Autumn

Autumn is a time for special occasions, celebrating, and comfort food. It isn’t all about the food, though, it is also a time for special drinks and cocktails. Obviously we love gluhwein, mulled ciders, and other autumnal drinks, but we decided to do something a little different. We made an Apple Bourbon Cocktail (an “ABC” for short) with apple cider that was infused overnight with spices. The warmth of the spices pairs really well with a quality bourbon and it is definitely a festive cocktail. If you don’t want the alcohol, you can serve it as “mocktail”, but we prefer the version that has a little bit of a kick. We really enjoyed it, so hopefully you will as well.

Autumn Spices


  • 2 cups Apple Cider (not apple juice, it needs to be a true apple cider)
  • 2 Cinnamon Sticks
  • 2 Whole Cloves
  • 1 Star Anise
  • 8 oz Bourbon
  • Apple Slices for garnish
Everything You Need for an Apple Bourbon Cocktail


Place the apple cider, cinnamon, cloves, and star anise in a mason jar and put in the refrigerator for about 24 hours (at least overnight). To serve, strain the apple cider and add 4 ounces of apple cider to 2 ounces of bourbon in a rocks glass (ice cubes are optional as the drink is meant to warm your insides). Garnish with an apple slice and serve. Makes 4 servings. Cheers!

A Single Serving
Drinks for Two

Hiking in the Mountains During Autumn

One of our favorite things to do during autumn when the leaves turn vibrantly colorful is to go hiking in the mountains. At these elevations, around 8,000 feet (2,400 meters), the leaves change sooner than they do in other places and they also don’t last long as winter arrives swiftly. We went to Mueller State Park, located about an hour outside of Colorado Springs, and spent a day hiking among the pine trees and aspen trees. The temperatures were cool and the skies were clear, so it was a perfect day to spend time in the mountains on some trails that we haven’t previously hiked.

Leaves on the Trail

Looking Up at the Blue Skies

Colorful Scenery

Aspen Grove

Looking Towards Pikes Peak

Looking Across Mountains

Rugged Hut Along the Trail

The great thing about hiking in the high country is that you get a mix of seeing the changing colors up close as well as the tapestry of colors across the skyline. The park is located on the backside of Pikes Peak and the scenery was simply amazing as it almost always is at this time of year. The colors are mostly the golds and yellows of the aspen groves surrounded by the deep greens of the pine trees, which is different than the reds and oranges that you find in most places. If you get a chance to visit Colorado in autumn, we’d highly recommend that you get into the mountains, even if just by car.

Stand Alone Tree

Hiking the Trail

More Views from the Trail

Beautiful Scenery

The Colorado Mountains

Shadows on the Trail

Some Leaves Starting to Change


Vertical Roasted Chicken

One of our favorite meals this time of year is to have roasted chicken with roasted vegetables. Using a can to stand the chicken upright is a great way to get the chicken to roast evenly on all sides and the can helps the inside of the chicken cook more evenly as well. We used our tajine as the base to put all of the vegetables, allowing the drippings from the chicken to coat the vegetables, which makes them even more favorable. It is certainly the type of meal that can be found almost anywhere that you travel as there are so many different ways that chicken and vegetables can be roasted together. You can choose whatever type of root vegetables are in season, but be sure to keep them all about the same size.

Vertical Chicken with Roasted Vegetables


  • 1 whole Roasting Chicken
  • 10 small Red Potatoes
  • 14 Baby Carrots – multicolored
  • 12 Brussel Sprouts
  • 1/2 Red Onion – cut into chunks
  • 4 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 tbsp Dried Rosemary – roughly chopped
  • 1 tbsp Dried Thyme
  • 2 tsp Powdered Garlic
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Vegetables in the Tajine


Coat the vegetables with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, salt and pepper, and place them in the base to the tajine (or a shallow baking dish). Coat all sides of the chicken with the remaining olive oil, garlic powder, rosemary, thyme, and salt and pepper. Place a can that is large enough to support the chicken, and that has been washed and dried, inside of the chicken cavity, placing the closed side of the can towards the top of the chicken. Put the can with the chicken in the center of the tajine, surrounding it with the vegetables. Place the chicken and vegetables into the lower rack of an oven that has been preheated to 350 degrees and roast for 15 minutes per pound. Remove from the oven and let rest for 20 minutes. Carve the chicken and serve with the roasted vegetables.

Seasoned Chicken

Finished Plate