Fascinating Birds Can Be Found Everyplace

We’ve been fortunate enough to get into nature in many different places and there are certainly some colorful and interesting birds in the jungles of South America as well as the forests of North America. Birds, however, can be found almost everyplace. Although birds like pigeons and black birds are the most common, it doesn’t mean that you won’t find some more unique ones wherever you live. Like many people, we have a birdfeeder in our back yard to attract different varieties of birds and we enjoy watching them throughout the year.

Colorful Wire-Tailed Manakin in Ecuador
Bird in the Mountain Village of Telluride
Seabird Overhead
Unique Bird in Bolivia

We aren’t necessarily bird watchers, but we do keep our eyes out for birds whenever we are out and about, especially hiking. During our trip to Ecuador, we had two specific opportunities to go in search of birds. The first was our trip the top of the canopy of the Amazon Jungle where we saw macaws and several other colorful birds. On the following day, we took a boat out to a “clay lick” where different varieties of parrots flocked to enjoy the minerals that are found in the clay.

Parrots Snuggling
Seagulls Filling the Sky
Scarlet Macaws in Ecuador
Bird Along the Trail to the Top of Gellért Hill in Budapest

As we mentioned, though, you don’t have to be in the jungle or forest to see interesting birds. We have seen birds in the trees of Budapest, found them in parks of the city, and sometimes in the trees of our hotel. We have so many hawks where we live in Colorado that we consider them to be as common as the black birds and pigeons that we see wherever we travel. We aren’t sure what the most unique bird that we have seen would be, but we certainly enjoy all of the various varieties. It isn’t always easy to capture a photograph of them as they often fly away just as you pull out your camera to catch their image. What is the most unique bird you have seen and were you able to capture it in a photograph?

Parrot on Top of a Temple in India
Hoatzin (Stinky Turkey) in a Tree above the River in the Amazon
Hundreds of Parrots at the Clay Lick
Bat Falcon in Ecuador
Friendly Hawk in Mexico

A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way

Have you ever had a flight delayed or cancelled and had to go to the airline desk to see about getting on another flight? People can be so rude and angry with the staff at the desk who had nothing to do with what caused the issues with the flight. We see it almost every time we travel, someone is berating a poor attendant instead of treating them with respect and kindness. As if somehow, if they yell loud enough, their circumstances will suddenly change. We always try to be understanding and not take out frustrations on the employees or each other. It doesn’t mean that it is always easy, emotions can get the better of you, but you will be far happier and the people around you will be much happier if you keep your emotions in check. There have been more than a few times when there have been issues with our flight or hotel room and we have had to ask for assistance to get things fixed. On several of those occasions we have not only had our issue resolved, but they have even upgraded our seats or room. Granted, both us as well as the person helping us were pleasant with one another, so clearly it needs to be a two-way street. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is about Kind and Caring, so here are a few photos to help put you in a calmer mood for the next time you have to deal with an unfortunate situation. 🙂

Lion Cubs Helping One Another

Parrots Snuggling

Is that a Porcupine Kiss?



Fountain at Coroico

For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Fountains, we chose this whimsical fountain from Coroico, Bolivia. After driving down “death road”, it was enjoyable to go to this little village and see the fountain in the main square.  The happy nature of the main square was quite a contrast to the foggy drive down through the rain forest.

Fun Parrot Fountain

Full View

We also considered this fountain from Cochabamba, but decided on the fun parrot.

Vibrant Flowers and Fountain at the Palacio Portales