portrait - Living The Q Life Travel AdventuresExplore The World With Us One Country At A TimeThu, 11 Aug 2016 19:17:11 +0000en-UShourly1https://s0.wp.com/i/webclip.pngportrait - Living The Q Life Travel Adventures3232 94661481Children are the Same All Over the World/2016/08/11/children-are-the-same-all-over-the-world/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=children-are-the-same-all-over-the-world/2016/08/11/children-are-the-same-all-over-the-world/#respondThu, 11 Aug 2016 19:17:11 +0000/?p=4148No matter where you go, you can seeing children playing, smiling, and laughing with unabashed innocence. Are there places with suffering, pain, and even death, of course there are. But even in the midst of poverty and despair, you will still find children who somehow, perhaps only in brief moments, do what children do, have …

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The post Children are the Same All Over the World first appeared on Isobar Expeditions.
