Finding Cabins from the 1800’s in the Mountains of Colorado

Here in Colorado, it is not uncommon to find home sites from some of the original settlers being semi-preserved on the lands of state and national parks. Not only are these cabins and ruins fascinating to see, but they are a reminder as to the harshness of nature and how difficult life must have been for those early adventurers. It is hard to imagine what life must have been like living without heat in a wooden cabin deep in the woods with wolves, bears, coyotes, and other animals all around. On a bright, sunny day, it becomes clear why someone would want to brave the elements in order to live in such a beautiful place. It must have been truly special to walk out of your front door every day and see the glory of nature. We have put together a collection of different wooden cabins that we have encountered during our various hikes in the Colorado mountains.

Looking Up at a Cabin on the Trail
Roof Collapsing
Inside of a Cabin
Cabin in Beaver Creek
Just the Wooden Logs Remaining
Snow Covered Roof
Perhaps Still in Use
Near Cripple Creek
Not Safe to Enter

Autumn Leaves Strewn Across the Paths and Sidewalks

We may still be the heat of summer, but Autumn is certainly coming as this year seems to be going by fast and slow all at the same time. Whenever we travel during the Fall season, we often take photographs of the leaves either spread across the ground or across the paths and trails that we’re walking along. Regardless of whether it is in the mountains or in the cities, the leaves tend to fall everywhere all around you as walk amongst the trees. There is something very soothing and relaxing about looking at the leaves strewn across the ground.

Cool Temperatures and Fallen Leaves
Walking through a Park in Germany
Stairs to the Castle in Heidelberg, Germany
Aspen Leaves
Aspen Leaves on Snow Covered Trail
Walking along the Rhine

Riding Bicycles in the Ninh Binh Province of Vietnam

One of the things that was included in our tour of the Ninh Binh Province in Vietnam was riding bicycles through the countryside and along the rice paddies. Well, at least that was the description in the tour literature. We did ride bicycles, but it was not through the idyllic countryside, but rather through construction. Vietnam is known for it’s use of bicycles from the 1950’s, which aren’t as stable as modern bicycles. Add to that, we had to dodge construction trucks and ride over stones instead of a smooth path. It may be something that most tourists expect when visiting Vietnam, but we’d have preferred a quiet ride in the countryside versus a ride through a construction zone.

Stones on the Road and a Truck Up Ahead
It Would Have Been Pretty Without the Construction
More of an Adventure than a Quiet Ride
This is Closer to What the Tour Guides Would Like You to See