Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland

The Gullfoss Waterfall on the Golden Circle in Iceland is truly spectacular. We visited during the winter and the falls were mostly frozen, which made them even more beautiful. It was a very cold day and the observation decks were being hit by the spray from the waterfall, making it even colder as we stood and took photographs. It is an amazing display of the forces of nature at work.

Powerful Waterfall
The Start of the Canyon
Amazing Beauty

Gullfoss Waterfall translates to Golden Waterfall and is probably one of the most photographed images in Iceland. The waterfall is created by the flow of the Hvítá (White) River as it flows into a canyon. Although we could have hiked around the waterfall to see it from various views, it was way too cold while were there to take the time to do that. It was the last of the places that we visited as we drove the road that loops around several famous locations outside of Reykjavik known as the Golden Circle.

We Were Very Cold
Panoramic View
Looking Down at the Second of the Falls

As popular as Iceland has become as a place to visit, Gullfoss Waterfall can be quite a busy spot as tour buses travel there throughout the day. Watching the water as it flows down the two steep steps down into the canyon is almost mesmerizing. It was definitely a highlight of our time in Iceland and should be included as part of any visit to the island.

Growth Through Destruction

It is a harsh reality that our world is shaped by violent and disruptive events. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and violent storms change the earth’s landscape on a regular basis. Although each of these events can be quite dramatic, ultimately they can create stunning beauty. Many islands, such as Hawaii would not exist if it weren’t for the eruptions of volcanoes. Even though we see evidence of events that have occurred hundreds or thousands of years ago, seeing our world change before eyes is a constant reminder that we are but a small part of the natural world. As much as we try to control the world around us, nature continuously reminds us that we are not in control. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is words that start with the letter V, so we have chosen photos of volcanoes from both Iceland and Ecuador, some of which were active.

Volcano in Iceland. Is it Steam or a Cloud?
Quilotoa Caldera in Ecuador
Dramatic Volcano Crater on the Golden Circle in Iceland
View of Cotopaxi Volcano
Frozen Volcano
Quito with the Active Cotopaxi Volcano in the Distance
Cayambe Volcano in Ecuador


Sometimes It is About the Small Things

We very much enjoy seeing cityscapes, landscapes, enormous churches, bridges, and other substantial views during our travels. These sights can be breathtaking and are definitely the highlights of many of our trips. Sometimes, though, seeing some of the smaller details is just as memorable. Whether seeing the details in artwork, architecture, or focusing on a single flower, there is a lot of beauty that is on a smaller scale. We can look back at any of our travels and point to times where we saw and captured photos of intricate details that bring back fond memories of the place that we were visiting. Our trip to Iceland was definitely a trip with substantial landscapes with volcanoes, glaciers, lava covered beaches, huge geysers, and other amazing scenery. In addition to those grand sights, there were trickling streams, frozen pools, bubbling hot springs, and smaller lava features that were just as fascinating. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, things that start with the letter I, we have chosen a few photos from Iceland that focus on some of the smaller details.

Stream in the National Park
Little Geyser
Lava Rocks
Frozen Pool