Latest Blog Posts

  • The Field Museum in Chicago

    We have visited the Field Museum in Chicago a couple of times now and have enjoyed each visit. There are several static exhibits as well as several temporary exhibits, which makes revisiting very worthwhile. One of the main reasons that we decided to go to the museum was because they currently have a Jurassic World… Read more

  • Unconventional Food in Chicago

    We have been to Chicago several times and have eaten traditional foods such as deep dish pizza, Chicago-style hot dogs, and Italian beef hoagies. During our most recent trip, the temperatures averaged below 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12 degrees Celsius) with wind chill temperatures that were between -15 and -25 degrees Fahrenheit (-26 and -32 degrees… Read more

  • Lake Titicaca

    Whether visiting Peru or Bolivia, it is definitely worth taking the time to visit Lake Titicaca. The lake extends into both countries and has several islands with Incan ruins that are thousands of years old. Obviously, we visited from the Bolivian side of the lake and we visited both Isla del Sol (Island of the… Read more

  • Looking Back at 2017

    This has been an interesting year with a lot of changes including moving back to the United States and changing jobs. We visited seven different countries including the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, France, Romania, Ireland, and Ecuador. We enjoyed each of those countries for various reasons. Obviously, having moved back to the US, our opportunity to… Read more

  • Do You Have a Holiday Meal Tradition?

    We have mentioned before that we have certain meals that we always eat during the different holidays. On Christmas Day, we always have prime rib and Yorkshire pudding, which is typically an English tradition, but we have adopted it for ourselves. It is actually pretty easy to prepare and we usually find prime rib on… Read more

  • Reminiscing About Romania

    Looking back at our time in Europe, one of the most interesting places that we visited was Romania. It was unique for a variety of reasons, but it was definitely extremely interesting. Although we spent a couple of days in Bucharest, the highlight of our trip was the time that we spent in Brasov. It… Read more