Heroes’ Square in Budapest

Heroes’ Square, or Hosok tere in Hungarian, is one of the main squares in Budapest and is located next to the city park. It was created in 1896 to commemorate the 1,000th anniversary of Hungary. Sitting in the middle of the square is the Millennium Monument and the Museum of Fine Arts and the Palace of Art sit on opposite sides of the square. At the time that Heroes’ Square was created, Hungary was still part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and some of the statues in the square today replaced those that paid tribute to the Austrian Hapsburg dynasty.

Heroes’ Square
Top of the Millennium Monument
Hungarian Ruler
Statues of the Seven Chieftains

We took the underground to the station that is across the street from Heroes’ Square, which is the easiest way to get to the square and city park from downtown. On the day that we visited the square, there was a demonstration going on advocating for peace. The colorful flags surrounding the tomb-like Memorial Stone, which is not an actual tomb, but meant as a tribute to all of those who died protecting Hungary over its 1,000 year history.

Memorial that Looks Like a Tomb
One of the Many Statues
Statue Between the Columns

There are a series of statues on either side of the Millennium Monument. On top of the columns on the left is a male statue that represents a symbol of war and on the of the columns on the right is a female statue representing peace. In between each of the columns are statues of historic figures in Hungarians history along with a mural below their statue meant to represent their major accomplishment. In addition to the columns with their statues, the base of the monument also has statues depicting the seven chieftains of the tribes who originally founded Hungary.

Representing War
Representing Peace
Vajdahunyad Castle Near Heroes Square
Paddle Boats

Visiting Heroes’ Square is definitely fascinating on its own, but we would highly recommend that you combine it with a tour of the city park. The weather wasn’t quite warm enough on the day that we were there, but there are paddle boats that can be rented to go out onto the lake. There is also the Vajdahunyad Castle and the Budapest Zoo are also located in the park. It is also just a nice place to spend a couple of hours walking the paths and enjoying the scenery. Depending upon how much you decide to see while there, you can easily spend an entire day at the park.

The Cave Church in Budapest, Hungary

Located at the base of Gellert Hill, the hill that the Citadella (fortress) sits atop, is a system of caves. One of the caves was converted into a chapel in the 1920’s and even served as a hospital for the Germans during WWII. Known as the Cave Church, it was certainly one of the most interesting places that we visited during our time in Budapest. A cross on top of the hill denotes the location of the church, which is also located near the famous Gellert Baths where people gather to enjoy the therapeutic thermal baths.

Altar Within Cave Church
Seating for Religious Ceremonies
Cross On Top of Gellert Hill
Church Exterior Outside of the Cave
Historic Artifacts
Courtyard in the Church Exterior
Intimidating Shadow

The atmosphere within Cave Church is interesting due to the lack of natural light and the rugged cavern walls. After its conversion to a hospital by the NAZI army during the war, it returned to serving as a church until 1951 when the Soviet Union had it shut down. The chapel was raided by the Soviet Army, the monks arrested, and the cave sealed up until Budapest regained their freedom in 1989. Today, the monks of the Pauline Order continue to operate the church and hold religious functions on the site as well as maintain it as a tourist attraction.

Walking into Cave Church from the Entrance
Hungarian Artwork
More Art in the Cave
Statue Outside of the Church
Museum Display
Flowers in Remembrance
Main Altar

There is a nominal fee in order to enter the church and walking through the cavern will take you about thirty minutes to fully explore. In addition to the statues and artwork inside of Cave Church itself, there is also a small museum with additional historic artifacts. Exploring the church and understanding its history is certainly worth the effort of walking along the Danube below Gellert Hill. We combined it with our visit to the Citadella, which sits high above. It may not be the most well-known site in Budapest, but if your itinerary allows, we would recommend visiting.

Ornate Confessional
Statue Lit Up Against the Cave Wall
Stained Glass Inside of the Cave
Wood Carving in the Museum
Painting in the Museum
Wooden Statue Embedded into the Cave Wall


The Best of the Buda Castle District in Budapest, Hungary

Doing a tour, whether self-guided or with a guide, of the Buda Castle District is one of the most popular things to do when visiting Budapest, the capital of Hungary. We decided to tour the district on our own and found the history and architecture to be fascinating. There is a lot to see in the Buda Castle District, so expect to spend the majority of a day enjoying the sights. The castle district is basically the castle complex which includes the palace grounds, churches, and fortifications. Today, it is also home to many small hotels, restaurants, as well as pubs, which will give you plenty of options to grab a meal during your tour. In addition to all of the sites within the complex, castle hill on which the complex sits, also provides amazing views of the Parliament Building and St. Stephen’s Basilica. These are the important places to see when taking a tour of the Buda Castle District.

Royal Palace from the Danube River Cruise
  1. The Royal Palace (Buda Castle) – Some of the best views of the palace are actually from the Danube River below, but the palace is obviously the main attraction within the complex. Unlike many other palaces that offer a glimpse into the lives of the people who lived there, the palace buildings today house the Hungarian National Gallery and the National Library.

    Matthias Church and the Holy Trinity Statue
  2. Matthias Church – With its colorful roof, Gothic architecture, and Holy Trinity Statue, Mattias Church offers a lot to see. Located in the heart of the Buda Castle District, the church’s bell tower rises high above the buildings in the complex. Like the palace, Matthias church can easily be seen from the river, but it is much more impressive up close.

    The Largest Tower of the Fisherman’s Bastion
  3. Fisherman’s Bastion – Located behind Matthias Church, Fisherman’s Bastion is made up of a fortress wall and seven towers. Built in the 1800’s, the combination of neo-Gothic and neo-Romanesque architecture make it quite interesting. Some of the best views of the Pest side of the Danube River and the Parliament Building can be seen from the walls and towers of the Fisherman’s Bastion.

    Magdaline Church Bell Tower
  4. Magdaline Church Tower – As you reach the end of the Buda Castle District, you’ll find this wonderful church tower. The Church of Mary Magdaline was originally built in the 13th century, but suffered major damage over the years. Today visitors can climb the 170 stairs to the top of the tower to enjoy panoramic views.

    One of the Many Restaurants
  5. Restaurants – Although obviously catering to the throngs of tourists who visit the Buda Castle District daily, there are wonderful choices of restaurants in the area. We actually had some of the best wine of our trip while touring the district. Whether enjoying a local dish such as Hungarian Goulash or choosing another cuisine, there are plenty of food options available.

    Riding the Funicular
  6. Funicular and Castle Stairs – The funicular is the easiest way to get to the top of Castle Hill and start your tour and also provides wonderful views along the way. We recommend taking the funicular up to the castle complex and then walking down the castle stairs when your tour is complete.

    Walking the Castle Stairs

The Buda Castle District is certainly one of the highlights to any trip to Budapest. With hundreds of years of history that extend back to beginning of Hungary’s history, it is an important cultural location. The Buda Castle District was home to Hungary’s royalty and wealthy aristocrats, which looked down upon the more humble dwellings in Pest. The Chain Bridge now extends across the Danube River at the base of Castle Hill and served to not only bridge the river, but also to blend the cities of Buda and Pest into the city of Budapest that we know today.

Buda Castle District