Here is another of the various decorations that we have done in front of our old house for Halloween. The children in the neighborhood were both terrified and excited to come to our front door to get their candy. We never jumped out at anyone and there were never any real people in the scenes that we would create, but every year was always a different theme. This particular year, we had done scary clowns, which always seems to creep people out. So, for today’s challenge of Boo, we chose this creepy clown who probably whispers boo in a low and spooky voice before going into an evil laugh.
We have always been very big into celebrating Halloween, literally spending weeks decorating inside and out. It seems to be fairly unique to the United States as to how much adults get into the spirit of the season (pun intended). Since we will not be holding our annual Halloween party this year and won’t be decorating, at least not much if we do, we thought that we would participate in this challenge and share some Halloween photos from the past. For today’s challenge, spooky, we chose this picture of decorations from our front yard ten years ago. And if you are curious, we built all of the props as well as the bodies, there are no live people in the photo (once again, pun ). 😀
Spook with GuillotineThe Whole SceneOur Daughter Hamming it Up
To say that we’re into Halloween would be the understatement of a lifetime. We’ve been throwing Halloween parties for twenty years now and every year we add a few more decorations, so we’ve accumulated a lot of really cool things. For the ten years, the parties were for the kids, but now we’re all about the adult Halloween party. This year’s party is tomorrow, so we’re frantically getting ready since our remodeling work didn’t finish until two days ago. It normally takes us two weeks to decorate the entire house, so the pressure has been on to finish and get everything done in time.
Party SignPumpkin JackFront Yard Scene
We decorate both inside and outside and every year the theme for the outdoor decorations change. This year’s theme is spiders, so we had fun building a giant spider web that spanned the entire front porch. We even have a body wrapped in spider webs hanging from the top of the porch. We always do a small cemetery scene, so spiders are crawling throughout. We also match our costumes to the theme, so we’re dressing as Frodo (assuming you get the reference from the Lord of the Rings) and a Black Widow. Inside the house, we go as far as changing out our artwork and even change some of our curtains.
Animated WitchCreepy CatMantelpieceGiant Spider
We’re making marinated mushrooms, antipasto spears (with olives, marinated peppers, prosciutto, pepperoni, and mozzarella cheese), tea sandwiches, pumpkin sage shrimp, and a variety of other snacks. Obviously we’ll have plenty wine and beer on hand as well. We wish you could all join us for the party, but we’ve added some pictures to help everyone get into the spirit of the party.
Rising CorpseScarecrowWitch with CurtainsSpiders in the Yard