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  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Local

    This week’s photo challenge of Local was an easy one for us considering our move into a new country and neighborhood. We have mentioned this place a couple of times already and the reason for that is that it has become our favorite local watering hole. In fact, one of the bartenders, Dadan, called his… Read more

  • The Best of the Wurst

    Most everyone knows that there are a lot of different sausages in Germany, including the one most commonly known in the United States, Bratwurst. We have had the opportunity to try several varieties of wursts and most have been extremely good. They are often, but not always, served with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes or on… Read more

  • Golden

    Yellow invokes a feeling of warmth and comfort and it is definitely one of nature’s favorite hues. It feels sunny and happy and can brighten almost any day. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Yellow, we decided that the Palacio Portales in Cochabamba, Bolivia, best exemplified the feeling. Yellow is a bold color for a… Read more

  • Getting Settled in Germany

    It took a couple of weeks of looking, but we have finally found a flat in Frankfurt and life is starting to settle into some sort of routine. We have had plenty to get adjusted to during our first few weeks living in a different country, but we will share more on that later. We… Read more

  • JNW’s Halloween Challenge – Boo

    Here is another of the various decorations that we have done in front of our old house for Halloween. The children in the neighborhood were both terrified and excited to come to our front door to get their candy. We never jumped out at anyone and there were never any real people in the scenes… Read more

  • The Daily Post Photo Challenge – H2O

    Capturing the motion of water can be difficult, but when it works, it can also be very beautiful. There are all sorts of opportunities to capture water in motion whether a river, waves on a beach, or a tropical waterfall. Even with all of those choices, for this week’s challenge of H2O we went back… Read more