Latest Blog Posts

  • Seeing Red

    We have always been big fans of burgundy and rust colors. There is something rich and soothing about those colors, perhaps it is just that they represent our favorite times of year, which is autumn and the Christmas season. In fact, when we recently bought a new sofa, we even chose a burgundy color for… Read more

  • First Impressions are not Always Accurate

    When we first arrived here in Frankfurt and took a taxi to our hotel, we weren’t sure what to expect of our stay here. First of all, living in Colorado, we are used to over 300 days of sunshine per year. When it rains, it is an afternoon thunderstorm, sometimes with hail, but then the… Read more

  • Apfelwein – A Perfect Drink for the Season

    As we toured through the old city, called Altstadt in German, we came across a wonderful little festival that is going on through next weekend. Besides the food vendors and vendors selling art, clothing, and souvenirs, there were also booths for wine and even better, Apfelwein, or apple wine. It isn’t actually a wine, but… Read more

  • JNW’s Halloween Challenge – Spooky

    We have always been very big into celebrating Halloween, literally spending weeks decorating inside and out. It seems to be fairly unique to the United States as to how much adults get into the spirit of the season (pun intended). Since we will not be holding our annual Halloween party this year and won’t be… Read more

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Nostalgia

    There will likely be many things that remind us of times past as we discover new sights, sounds, and tastes, so this week’s challenge seems pretty apropos. As we get the opportunity to see the variety of beautiful castles, hopefully including the one in Austria that Cinderella’s castle was supposedly modelled after, we are reminded… Read more

  • Frankfurt am Main

    After a couple of rainy days, we were finally able to get out and get our first real look at Frankfurt’s old city. We have started our search for an apartment, but have not found anything yet, but we think we know which area in the city we would like to live. There is a… Read more