Latest Blog Posts

  • We Have Arrived in Frankfurt

    We have finally arrived in Frankfurt. We have plenty to do ahead of us, but for now “we are here” as we have reminded ourselves several times. Plenty to look forward to over the next several months, but for the time being we will rest, get our bearings, and start planning the days ahead. One… Read more

  • One Foot Out of the Door

    It seems like forever since we first learned that we had the opportunity to stay in Germany for an extended period of time, but at last we are on the threshold of a new and exciting chapter in our lives. There are many changes, even more than just living in a foreign country for almost… Read more

  • Discovering Yourself Through Travel

    When we were young, we read stories and saw movies about Native Americans going on vision quests. A journey into the wilderness with nothing but a bow and arrow where they were to survive in the harshest of conditions until they would have visions of their ancestors who appeared in the form of an animal.… Read more

  • The Color Purple

    The orchid is one of the most beautiful, if not delicate, flowers in the world. For this week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge Purple we decided to use a photo of an orchid that we took last summer at the Denver Botanic Gardens. Obviously we prefer to capture flowers in their natural environment, but these were just too… Read more

  • Unexpected Nostalgia

    It has been a little over a year since we went back to Pennsylvania and found ourselves reminiscing about the early years of our marriage. It was one of the first posts that we put out on our site, but don’t worry, it will probably be the last post we reblog for a while. Plenty… Read more

  • Cripple Creek, Colorado

    We won’t get into the mountains again before we leave for Germany, but enjoy this post from about this same time last year. Read more