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  • Watch Your Step

    It is hard to avoid steep stairs when traveling and there are times when it is the only way to get to places with amazing views. Especially in historic places that have existed long before modern technologies like elevators, there simply is no choice but to scale the steps as they would have centuries ago.… Read more

  • How Do You Like to Tour a Location?

    There are usually options on how you can tour a location such as self-guided walking tours, group tours, or hiring a private guide. Even if you just read a guide book and walk the streets on your own, you are actually touring a location, it is just very casual. We have tried a variety of… Read more

  • Pork Chops with Cherry Compote

    One of the things that we found throughout Europe were meals with a fruit sauce that accompanied the meat. Often times it was something a little gamey like duck or lamb, but it is a combination that works well with chicken and pork also. Cooking the fruit down to an almost jam-like consistency provides a… Read more

  • Mi Teleferico in La Paz, Bolivia

    Public transportation using cable cars in the highest capital in the world, La Paz, is certainly quite interesting. When you consider the fact that city is literally built on the sides of a mountain as well as a dense population, getting around the city wasn’t easy until the cable car system was built. Now, instead… Read more

  • Altare della Patria in Rome, Italy

    Located about halfway between the Pantheon and the Colosseum, the Atare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland), which is also known as the Monument of Victor Emmanuel II, can be seen from throughout the neighboring streets. It is a huge, marble building that also has the tomb of the unknown soldier, the army museum, and… Read more

  • When Traveling, It is the Journey as WELL as the Destination

    There is the famous saying about life that it is the journey and not the destination. When it comes to travel, it is actually often about both. Travel is not always easy for a lot of reasons. There are a variety of barriers to overcome from costs to cultural or language gaps. Other times it… Read more