There is the famous saying about life that it is the journey and not the destination. When it comes to travel, it is actually often about both. Travel is not always easy for a lot of reasons. There are a variety of barriers to overcome from costs to cultural or language gaps. Other times it is just the travel itself that can be difficult. We do our best to have contingency plans, travel insurance, and just generally be prepared. With that said, you can’t plan for everything. Even when everything goes right, it doesn’t mean that it is always easy, especially in certain parts of the world. Depending on where you travel to, transportation to certain parts of the country can be difficult. Assuming that all goes well, we look back on those moments as just another part of the adventure. We try to capture those moments as much as possible and look back on them with some fondness as we think about the places that we’ve visited. Do you memorialize your journey in pictures as well or just the final destination?

Great pics👍
Thank you 🙂
The journey is definitely a major part of travelling and can sometimes be the focus I think. Some of our trips have been the reason to visit a place rather than the actual locations. Great photos.
Very true. Thank you 🙂
Wonderful post for this week’s road theme 😀
Thank you 🙂