Vietnamese Egg Coffee (Café Trung)

One of the things that we enjoyed during our visit to Hanoi in Vietnam was egg coffee. We had heard and read about it prior to our trip and it was highly recommended that we gave it a try. It can be found on the menus of almost every café and we enjoyed it at a coffee shop just outside of the St. Joseph’s Cathedral. We also had it during our cooking class and we got the recipe from the class instructor. We also received some really good Vietnamese coffee as a gift before we left Vietnam, but obviously it can be made with any good coffee. Some people might find it a little sweet, but that also depends on the strength of the coffee that you make it with. This was our first attempt to make it at home and we were really pleased with how it turned out.

Egg Coffee at the Café in Hanoi


  • 4 cups Vietnamese or Robust Coffee
  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 4 tbsp Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 2 tsp Honey
  • Chocolate Shavings
Making Egg Coffee in the Cooking Class in Hanoi


Make the coffee per the directions on the package. Separate the egg yolks from the whites and place them in a bowl. Vigorously whisk the eggs until they thicken. Add the condensed milk and honey and continue to whisk vigorously until the egg mixture reaches the consistency of a custard (using an electric blender will help with this). Pour the coffee into individual cups. Using a spoon, gently poor the custard over the top of the coffee. Sprinkle with the chocolate shavings and enjoy.

Egg Custard
Vietnamese Coffee (Our Gift)
Egg Coffee at Home

Beer and Wine Around the World

We have always been advocates for eating local foods when traveling, but we equally believe in trying the local wines and beers. Wine tastings are a great way to try a variety of wines and get a true sense of what the region has to offer. Likewise, many cities have their own beer varieties which are specific to that location or are brewed just for the season. Some places are obvious locations to try certain things, like beer in Germany or wine in France, but you can find local varieties in places that might surprise you, such as Iceland or Egypt.

Local Beer in Egypt

Wine Tasting in Ronda, Spain

Wine Purchased from a Wine Tasting in Strasbourg, France

It isn’t just about trying different varieties of beer and wine, it is also about going to the places where locals like to gather with friends and family to relax and have a drink or two. There is something special about the atmosphere of a historic pub that is just warm and welcoming. Going to places like the Brazen Head in Dublin, Ireland’s oldest pub, can be as interesting of an experience as visiting the famous sights in a city. If you take the time to chat with the owners, you just might find yourself having a drink with them while learning more about the city and the best of the local wine and beer to try.

Brazen Head Pub in Dublin

Drinking Games in Reykjavik, Iceland

Wine and Food in Italy

We don’t believe that there are set rules about what pairs well with certain types of food as we think that it all depends upon your taste. As long as you choose something that you enjoy, it will likely taste good with your meal. There isn’t anything wrong with having a red wine or beer with fish or white wine with something with a robust flavor such as duck. The one exception might be for desserts where a sweeter wine certainly makes some sense, but on the rare occasions that we eat dessert, we usually just have a normal glass of wine.

Beer in Kilkenny, Ireland

Obvious Where We had This Beer

Dark Beer in Romania

If you add in the different festivals that happen throughout the year, but especially around the holidays, there are even more opportunities to taste local favorites. You don’t have to be in Munich to celebrate Oktoberfest and you can probably find someplace close to you to enjoy this annual celebration. Wherever you travel, you should take advantage of the local libations, including specialty drinks in addition to the local beers and wines. We enjoyed so many different drinks during our travels, but Apfelwein in Frankfurt might be close to the top of our list. Do you have a favorite beer, wine, or drink experience?

Apfelwein in Frankfurt

Beer in Iceland

Local Beer in Quito, Ecuador


Hot Chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps

There is something so comforting about having a nice warm drink on a cold winter day. The combination of peppermint schnapps and hot chocolate is often called a “Snuggler” because of the warm hug that it gives to your inner body. We first had this in Aspen, many years ago and it is definitely one of our favorite winter drinks. Schnapps is not a particularly strong alcohol, so it is definitely a drink that you don’t need to feel guilty about having. The pairing of hot chocolate and peppermint is obviously a delicious one and this will definitely put a smile on your face. We added some peppermint bark (dark chocolate, white chocolate, and peppermint… yum). We originally shared this recipe four years ago, but we decided it was time to share it once again. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Make Your Own Whipped Cream


  • 2 cups Whole Milk (2% or skim, your preference)
  • 6 tbsp Cocoa Powder
  • 4 to 6 tbsp Peppermint Schnapps
  • 1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 1 tbsp Granulated Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Confectioner Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Vanilla Extract

Hot Chocolate


Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium-low heat (do not bring to a boil). Whisk in the cocoa powder until it is thoroughly mixed. In a cold bowl, combine the whipping cream, sugars, and vanilla extract. Whip until soft peaks form. Pour the hot chocolate and schnapps into a mug and top with whipped cream. Serves 2.

Snuggler with Whipped Cream

Whipped Cream Topping

Snuggler with Peppermint Bark