The Beer of Vietnam and Laos

During our recent trip to Vietnam, we had the opportunity to try a variety of different beers. Most of them were lagers that were brewed in different cities throughout Vietnam. There were also several pubs in Hanoi that served locally brewed craft beers. While beer was readily available and relatively inexpensive every place that we visited, wine was pretty expensive. We assume that it most likely due to the fact that Vietnam doesn’t produce much of its own wine. We only spent a couple of days in Laos, but we did have the opportunity to try several of their national beers during our time there as well.

Beerlao Dark Lager
Hanoi Beer
Halong Beer from Halong Bay
Beerlao Lager with Ice in Vientiane

Vietnam and especially Laos are very hot countries, so after a long day of exploring the country, having a nice cold beer is a nice way to help cool off. It was so hot in Vientiane, Laos that they actually served the beer with ice to actually put into your glass of beer because it would get warm before you could finish it. Even at night, the temperatures are still very warm and beer certainly paired well with most of the meals that we ate during our trip.

Tiger Beer was Popular Throughout Vietnam
Saigon Beer
333 is Another Popular Beer in Vietnam
Beerlao Gold or Amber Beer

Each city in Vietnam seemed to have its own brand of beer while Laos had a national brand of beer that was offered in a variety of styles including dark, amber, and lager. Most of the beers that we tried were not particularly hoppy or malty and were relatively mild. The mild flavor adds to the refreshing nature of drinking an ice cold beer. We definitely enjoyed the variety of beers that we tried throughout our time in the region.


Autumn Apple Margarita

We enjoy drinks that represent the flavors of the season and autumn is certainly one of our favorites. We had heard about a couple of variations of margaritas made with apple cider and decided to create one of our own. Steeping the apple cider with orange, cinnamon, and cloves creates an extra warmth that is enhanced by the alcohol. This recipe should probably come with a warning as it tastes so good that you won’t notice how strong the drink actually is. The cider is also delicious on its own if you don’t want the alcohol. The recipe makes a pitcher, but it can easily be paired down for individual drinks.

Pitcher of Margaritas


  •  1 cup Gold Tequila
  •  1/2 cup Apple Brandy
  •  1 gallon Apple Cider (3 cups for drink)
  •  1/2 Orange – sliced
  •  4 Cinnamon Sticks
  •  8 Cloves
Steeping the Apple Cider


Put the apple cider in a large pot.  Add the orange slices, cinnamon, cloves and heat to just a simmer over medium-high heat and then reduce the heat to low. Let it heat on low for about 30 minutes, it should not boil, to allow the spices to steep throughout the apple cider. Strain the spices and fruit and let cool. For the pitcher of margaritas, combine the tequila, apple brandy, and 3 cups of the apple cider. Serve with an apple garnish.

Refreshing Taste of Autumn


Bloody Mary Brunch

If you’re looking for a fun entertaining idea, consider throwing a Bloody Mary brunch party. People can have Bloody Marys with or without vodka, you can provide different flavors of vodka, and let them garnish their own Bloody Mary. The actual origin of the Bloody Mary drink is uncertain with claims that it was invented in the 1920’s in Paris while other people claim that it originated in New York, and others say it was invented in Chicago. Wherever it came from, it is certainly a staple on many drink menus around the world. Brunch items can be simple and you can certainly offer for people to bring their own favorite items. We decided to throw one over the weekend and for our brunch items, we chose to make deviled eggs, mini-frittatas, bacon wrapped sesame bread sticks, and French toast sticks with syrup. We made our own Bloody Mary mix and had shrimp, pepperoncini, celery, pickles, cherry tomatoes, and olives (some stuffed with pimentos and some stuffed with jalapeno peppers) as garnish. Letting guests poor their own Bloody Mary and garnish it themselves allows them to control the amount of alcohol that they want as well as be creative with the way that they garnish their own drink. We have provided our recipe for the Bloody Mary mix, but if you’d like information on any of the brunch items, just let us know.

Mini- Frittatas


  • 48 oz Tomato Juice
  • 12 oz Clamato Juice
  • 1/4 cup Beef Broth
  • 2 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
  • 4 tbsp Prepared Horseradish
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Celery Salt
  • 2 to 3 dashes of Tabasco Sauce
Bloody Mary Mix
Bacon Wrapped Sesame Bread Sticks
Bloody Mary


Add all of the ingredients in a large picture, stirring to incorporate all of the horseradish. If you can’t find Clamato brand tomato juice, you can add the 10 ounces of tomato juice and 2 ounces of clam juice. If you would like a more or less spicy Bloody Mary mix, simply increase or decrease the amount of horseradish and tabasco sauce that you add.

Deviled Eggs
French Toast Sticks
A Different Garnish