If you visit Iceland during the winter, as we did a couple of years ago, you will certainly be surrounded by some harsh conditions. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t beautiful, though, as we found so many sights that were absolutely stunning. There is something about the sun shining through the wintery clouds and then reflecting off of the frozen tundra that is hauntingly attractive. Having just gone through the “bomb cyclone” here in Colorado where we were buried with snow and ice, it definitely brought back thoughts of our time in Iceland. As we drove around the countryside, we were constantly amazed by the incredible scenery and could only imagine what it would be like if we didn’t have the comfort of a car to return to. Here are a few of our favorite photographs of sun reflecting across the icy terrain.

Would love to visit Iceland sometime, seems like a beautiful island. I live so close (Sweden) but still haven’t visited!
Iceland is beautiful. We would love to get to Sweden some day.
I love the subtle colors and the reflections of light off the ice!
You have some marvelous photos of snow and ice. Hope it warms up soon for you 😀
We hope so to. But March and April tend to be our snowiest months. 🙁
Stunning 💕
wonderful place and great pictures!
Island is at the top of my travel bucketlist. Hey, on which season can I see the Aurora?
Fall and Winter are the best. We did not get to see them because it was cloudy and snowy.
One of my favourite places! Beautiful pictures
Beautiful landscapes 😊
Thank you 🙂