Warwick Castle in Warwickshire, England is an Amazing Experience

We have plenty of wonderful memories from our trip to England, but one of our favorite memories is of Warwick Castle. Walking around the grounds of the castle is like walking back in time to England’s rich history when lords, ladies, and knights ruled the land.  Seeing how the wealthy from generations past lived was quite fascinating and the castle provides plenty of historic displays within the manor.  Considering what life was like for most people who lived in that period, the contrast couldn’t have been greater compared to those fortunate enough to be born into such wealth.

Castle Wall
Banquet Room
The Manor
Stunning Castle

The rooms have been preserved and are decorated to portray the ambiance of the time period.   As you walk through the castle, each new room is more splendid than the next.  You can almost hear the mannequins talking about the next glorious ball or what to do with the land.  It is truly a window into the past that was very special to see.

An Evening Listening to Music
The Men in the Library
The Castle
Looking Up at the Castle Wall

The grounds are gorgeous and we could easily imagine dawning a riding outfit as we went fox hunting on the open fields.  There is even a catapult next to a stunning river that runs through the castle’s property.  Climbing up to the top of the castle walls, there are spectacular views of Warwickshire, where the castle is located.  Seeing the sprawling fields around the castle helps you understand the expanse of the estate and get a feeling for the farms that would have been worked by the subjects of the manor.

Us Walking the Grounds
The Fields Behind the Castle
The River

Obviously it is set up to attract tourists and as such there are some things that take away from the overall experience.  There is a haunted tour of the tower where costumed characters jump out at you around every corner.  No trip to a castle is complete without a trip to the dungeon, but the haunted house theme was a little unnecessary.  That being said, we really had a wonderful time seeing every part of the vast estate.

Entrance to the Tower
Getting Ready for Battle
Warwickshire Church

If you’re in England and have the opportunity to visit Warwick Castle, we would highly recommend it.  Just to see the gorgeous countryside, the Tudor homes, and the grand mansion is definitely worth the trip.  Warwickshire is located near Stratford-upon-Avon, which made it a perfect place to visit while also visiting the birthplace of Shakespeare.  Walking the grounds of a true castle that is as well-kept as Warwick Castle allows you to truly understand how grand and opulent their lives truly were.

Village Homes
View from Castle
Creepy Doorman

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