Latest Blog Posts

  • Daily Post Photo Challenge – Chaos

    Things have been very hectic in our lives lately, so we see chaos in a lot of our daily experiences. With that said, this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge reminds us of our trip to India, where everything about our time there seemed chaotic and sensually overwhelming. We couldn’t even imagine trying to drive on… Read more

  • Hochheimer Market

    We didn’t go far this weekend since we needed to take care of some much needed shopping while the stores were open, but that doesn’t mean that we didn’t have a good time over the weekend. As we have mentioned before, all of the stores in Frankfurt are closed on Sundays, so if you need… Read more

  • Heidelberg – Idyllic German City

    It was special for us to visit Heidelberg a couple of weeks ago because our youngest daughter spent three weeks there a little over a year ago. To be able to see the places that she had seen and compare opinions and the things that we both had seen was a wonderful experience. It isn’t… Read more

  • Urban Skylines

    We didn’t expect to move to a city with skyscrapers when we first thought about travelling and spending time in Europe, but that is exactly what has happend. Frankfurt is considered the “Mainhattan” of Germany and, although it is not anywhere near as big, it is definitely filled with modern skyscrapers. With Cee’s Fun Foto… Read more

  • The Food of Heidelberg

    Every region in Germany seems to have local favorites that are unique to that area, while everyplace seems to have schnitzel and sausage. We were only in Heidelberg for a day, so we didn’t eat a wide variety of food, but we took a chance and ate what was deemed to be a specialty of… Read more

  • Changes

    It is that time of year when everything seems to be changing. Probably even more so for us as we learn to live in a new country, but changes are always happening around us. This week’s photo challenge is Transmogrify, which is all about transformation. There are several ideas that jump to mind, a butterfly… Read more