Latest Blog Posts

  • Christmas Markets and Traveling in Germany

    We had heard a lot about how wonderful the Christmas markets would be before we ever left the United States to spend some time here in Germany. Even though the markets are just now being put together in Frankfurt and will be opening this Wednesday, we have already been to several Christmas markets as we… Read more

  • Across the Rooftops

    We have shared photos of cities from the heights of a tall building or tower previously because they provide wonderful views of the city. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is Roofs, so we decided to revisit the aerial views of some cities that focus on the rooftops below. We especially wanted to share this… Read more

  • Delicious Goose Dinner

    We were told the other day that it is goose season here in Germany at the moment. We decided to go ahead and have the goose dinner at our local restaurant and we couldn’t have been more pleased. The goose was succulent and moist and was accompanied by red cabbage with apple and potato dumplings.… Read more

  • It Truly is a Small World After All

    The more that you travel, the smaller the world truly feels. People are more the same than they are different, there are scenes of beauty everywhere, and every culture has contributed to our collective consciousness. For this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge – Tiny, we decided to think about our world view versus just taking… Read more

  • First Day in Vienna, Austria

    We apologize for the relatively brief post, but we decided to take an impromptu visit to Vienna, Austria, for an three-day weekend. We flew in last night and have spent the day enjoying everything that Vienna has to offer. One surprising thing is that the Christmas Markets started today, with the largest one starting tomorrow.… Read more

  • When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

    Obviously we have been going through many changes since moving to Germany. We try to look at every obstacle as an opportunity for growth and change, but it isn’t always easy. This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge is about Entrances and Doors. We have crossed many thresholds in our lives and each has proved to… Read more