Latest Blog Posts

  • On the Road to Nowhere

    Perhaps we just needed to think about someplace warm as the days here in Frankfurt have gotten fairly cold, or maybe just for a change of pace from castles and Christmas markets, we decided to take a journey back to Bolivia for Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge this week. There are times when traveling that… Read more

  • Time Lapse

    We don’t often take photos as a series, we tend to just point and shoot towards the objects that draw our attention. The one exception to this is with sunsets, which by now you know we truly love seeing. We will often take a series of pictures as the sun slowly descends from the sky… Read more

  • Dining in Würzburg

    We mentioned this the other day, but we were very fortunate to find a wonderful little restaurant in Würzburg over the past weekend. We were walking some of the side streets, trying to get away from the larger crowds around the Christmas markets when we found Stachel, a restaurant established in 1413. The atmosphere was… Read more

  • What Matters During the Holidays

    We have several holiday traditions that we celebrate from year to year, but they aren’t what truly matters during this festive season. Regardless of where we are, it always comes down to caring, sharing, compassion, and family. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Its’s Not This Time of Year Without… There are many things that… Read more

  • Windows to Another World

    We have seen many beautiful windows throughout the years, from the stained glass of cathedrals to the shimmering windows of modern skyscrapers. Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week is Windows, so we decided to use some photos that we have taken in the past few weeks. Obviously the beautiful windows that adorn the cathedrals and… Read more

  • The Good and Bad of Our Weekend

    It has been an interesting few days here in Germany to say the least. First of all, we had been greatly anticipating our youngest daughter’s arrival here in Frankfurt as she and a friend were going to Rome and Naples before coming to spend the “holiday” weekend with us in Germany. First of all, obviously… Read more