Latest Blog Posts

  • Alsace, Neither German or French

    After spending a few days in the Strasbourg region, one thing became abundantly clear. Throughout the history of the region, the people have alternated between German and French control, which has left the citizens feeling more independent than identifying with any particular country. When our guide drove us down the wine road through some of… Read more

  • We Have Arrived in Strasbourg, France

    We took the ICE train from Frankfurt to Strasbourg, France, yesterday and arrived around midday. We spent the afternoon walking around the old city and Petit France. Today we will see the city in greater detail and plan to take the river tour that goes around the entire city. Tomorrow we will take a tour… Read more

  • Tasting the Local Beers (Biers)

    One of the things that we have enjoyed is trying the various local beers at each of the cities and towns that we have visited. We had heard before moving to Germany that you can only find the local beer in each of the towns and that you couldn’t find anything else. That might be… Read more

  • There is Nothing Like a Beach

    We usually head to a beach around this time of year and, when we do, we use it a true vacation and not as travel. There is nothing more relaxing than sitting on a beach and watching the waves roll onto the shore. Perhaps we will find a beach to visit in the upcoming week’s,… Read more

  • Going Around in Circles

    Sometimes life can feel like you are running as fast as you can, but getting nowhere. This can definitely be true of travel as it is with life when it seems like you are spending all of your time doing the same things over and over again. To some extent, we have been trying to… Read more

  • Frankfurt’s Christmas Markets

    The Christmas markets started last week and they dominate the areas where we normally shop and eat. The markets have definitely been everything that we were expecting and heard that they would be. Lots and lots of food, Glühwein, Apfelwein, beer, candy, and souvenirs galore. We understand that Frankfurt’s markets are one of the larger Christmas markets, at least in… Read more