A lot of people think that where they live is one of the best places in the world. We have certainly seen some beautiful places, fascinating cities, and gorgeous landscapes, but we find it hard not to think of Colorado as a very special place to live. We recently have had the opportunity to pretty much move wherever we would like within the continental United States, but even after consideration of other locations, we have decided to continue to make Colorado our home. Although flying from Denver isn’t always as convenient as someplace like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, etc., but we can get to every place we want to go, it might just take us a little longer.

What we might sacrifice for convenience we more than make up for in the natural beauty and opportunities for outdoor adventure. Regardless of the time of year, heading into the mountains always results in a memorable experience. Like many other travelers, we are often absorbed with going some place new, some place we have never been before, and don’t take enough time to truly explore the treasures in our own backyard. We actually keep a list of places that are within a few hours drive so that we can use a weekend to go and discover some of these unique locations.

With that in mind, we thought that we would provide some visual evidence as to why we think Colorado is such a wonderful place to live. This week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge is Tour Guide and we will do our best to take you on a journey across different parts of Colorado and some of the historic towns of the old west. Starting with Colorado Springs and then heading into the high country, there is seemingly something to see around every corner. Do you love where you live and take time to explore it?