How Do You Get Noticed?

Even if you are a wallflower or not, there are times when you want to be noticed. Everyone wants to be recognized for their accomplishments, whether personal or work related, we all need validation of what we’ve achieved. Unfortunately, we don’t always get the acknowledgement that we are hoping for and sometimes it seems as though people only notice when things go wrong. Although we should all have a sense of humility, there are times when you have to subtly bring attention to the things that you are proud of. It is human nature to want to be seen, to stand out in the crowd, perhaps even to be the center of attention at times. Maybe it isn’t just human nature, but just part of nature itself. The trees in these photos seem to be trying to grab everyone’s attention as if to say “look at me”. Perhaps we could learn a lesson from Mother Nature and learn to let ourselves stand out and accept some praise.

Pink Tree in Bloom in the Amazon
Beautiful Foliage in Koblenz
Aspen Leaves on Snow Covered Trail
Majestic Tree in England
Colorful Tree in Heidelberg
Colorful Aspen Grove
Standing Out in the Jungle
Colorful Tree in Ecuador from the River


Traveling on Spaceship Earth

As you travel to various parts of the world, you begin to realize that the planet that we live on has some strange and fascinating features due to the forces that created it. There are definitely places that we have visited that seem almost other-worldly. You could easily imagine yourself as having stepped off of a spaceship and walking around the surface of some foreign planet. It is amazing how truly unique and beautiful our world really is, although some places can be somewhat scary and foreboding. People that truly love to travel, especially to unique places in the world, have that same spirit of exploration that led our ancestors to risk their lives in order to discover new lands and map the world that we live in. If you could jump into a rocket and travel to other planets in other solar systems, would you?

Moon Valley
Unique Geology in Colorado Up Close
Cavern Carved by Water in Morocco
Amazing Scenery in Yellowstone
Lava Field in Iceland
Fish Under Water
Colorful Formations
Supposed Alien Face in Tiwanaku
Incredible Landscape in Moon Valley


Are You in Other People’s Travel Photos?

When taking photos of popular places while traveling, it is hard not to get other tourists in your photos. Although we always try to take pictures in a way that avoids the crowds, sometimes there just isn’t a way to keep people out of them. Even worse, when you have a camera in your hand, some people seem to stare right at you, so you end up with photos with someone looking like they are glaring at you. Instead of capturing a candid moment of the place you are visiting, you end up with a photo that seems somehow awkward. As we looked through our pictures for this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge, A Face in the Crowd, we started to wonder how many times we might show up in someone else’s photo album. We can imagine them looking back at the pictures from their favorite vacation and wondering to themselves, who are these people who shared the same moment in time with them. Do you ever imagine who the strangers might be that are in your photographs, perhaps even guessing where they are from, what they do, or if they are a spy for some foreign entity? Maybe you have a photo of someone who became famous after you captured their image and you don’t even know it.

Hochheim, Germany
Getting Looks in Strasbourg, France
People in Prague, Czech Republic
The Streets of Florence, Italy
Vienna, Austria
Taking Photos in a Crowd in Prague