Countdown to the African Adventure

We are officially 14 days away from our trip to Kenya and Tanzania. We have to admit that we are sitting on pins and needles as the days go by and we keep our fingers crossed that nothing happens to interrupt this incredible trip. It has been over a year and a half since our last meaningful trip and there have been so many changes over that period of time. We still have to get a COVID test within 72 hours of traveling, but otherwise we have all of the vaccinations necessary. We also have to fill out a travel surveillance form, which is specific to Kenya, and provides evidence that we travelled directly from the United States to Kenya.

We Even Have a Countdown App Counting Down for the Trip
Colorado Sunset

Even though our trip hasn’t even begun yet, it has already been an adventure. We originally booked our flights with British Airways who partners with American Airlines. Since our original booking, we had different legs of the flight cancelled causing us to rearrange the entire itinerary twice. Then, a week ago, all but one leg of the flight was cancelled, leaving us no choice but to cancel the flights and request a refund. We then booked flights with United who partners with Lufthansa. All we can do now is wait and hope that we have no new surprises.

Sunset Over the Nile River
Birds on the Treetops Watching the Sunset

In addition to all of the wildlife that we’re expecting to see, food that we hoping to try, and people that we looking forward to meeting, we know that we are going to see some wonderful sunrises and sunsets. We have seen many pictures taken from safaris and almost every one of them has a beautiful sunset, so we are definitely looking forward to capturing some of our own. As we have sat at home, waiting for our trip, we have seen a few colorful sunsets here as well, which just wets our appetite for our upcoming trip. To say that we are excited would be an extreme understatement.

14 thoughts on “Countdown to the African Adventure

  1. Holy cow, I’m stressed out for you! I wrote a post not that long ago entitled “COVID Sucks the Joy Out of Travel Planning.” This post is your version of that. I hope all the cancellations are finished and you have a marvelous time. I look forward to reading about your adventures.

  2. Good luck! You’re braver than us. We have decided that while there is a possibility of cancellations, quarantine requirements changing on us at the last minute, and flat out the UK being blacklisted as the Delta variant rages unchecked through the country, the stress of trying to plan a trip, along with the stress during any such trip is simply not worth it. We’re staying put for the time being.

  3. The adventure sounds incredible and I SO hope everything goes smoothly. I have everything crossed for you – even if you have to do a few COVID tests I hope it’s fine. One of my friends has just been and come back from Greece with no issues, and I have numerous colleagues and friends abroad this week and just quarantining when they get back. It’s worth it for a trip of a life time 🙂

  4. Valentine

    Hope you have a great time when you come to Kenya, The Pride of Africa. You will definitely see the sunset.

  5. Definitely a bit nerve racking! Best of luck with the trip. We had been aiming to hike Kilimanjaro earlier this year along with a Safari and other awesome adventures. Unfortunately that plan has taken a back burner for a while. Looking forward to your posts about your trip!

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