Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland

Christ Church Cathedral (The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity) sits in the heart of Dublin in the medieval section of the city. Dublin doesn’t have an old town like many other places in Europe that we have visited, but it does have some historical points of interest, of which this medieval church is one of its gems. Both the interior and exterior of the church are visually stunning, although perhaps not as ornate as some other churches from the period.

Christ Church Cathedral
Memorial in the Crypt
Feels Like Ireland
Inside of the Church

Of particular interest is the crypt that lies below the church. It contains the remains of many monuments and historical motifs that are quite fascinating to see. It is the largest crypt in all of Ireland or the UK and definitely worth taking the time to go below the church and checking it out. One of the oddities on display are a cat and rat that were mummified in the pipes of the organ in the 1800’s. Perhaps a little macabre, but still interesting.

Mummified Cat and Rat from the 1860’S
Another Crypt Memorial
Priest Tomb

Considering that the majority of Dublin is a modern city with only a few historical landmarks remaining, the Christ Church was well worth the visit. We ended up visiting the church on our first day in Dublin, partially just to get out of the rain, but we ended up passing by it a few times before our trip was over. Each time we passed by, we seemed to find another point of interest such as the memorial to the victims of the Armenian genocide and a “Homeless Jesus” statue that was gifted to the people of Ireland.

Homeless Jesus
Genocide Memorial
Decorative Floor
Looking Up

Clearly it is more spectacular on a bright and sunny day, but whatever the weather, we found Christ Church to be very interesting. Obviously the medieval architecture is always interesting, but the artwork is fascinating as well. Since we cannot and wouldn’t use flash photography, there is only so much that we could share, but hopefully you find it as interesting as we did.

Another Memorial in the Crypt
More of the Designs on the Floor


5 thoughts on “Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland

  1. Your images are beautiful! I have family traveling to Ireland in March and will share your post. All the best, would love to inquire about sharing posts on our blog.

    Thanks in advance,
    Ed and Carla

  2. Interesting. I thought it looked more medieval-style than medieval, so I looked it up. Turned out a lot of it was rebuilt or renovated in the 1870s, although the first stone church was built in the 1180s.

  3. Pingback: Top Five Things to Do in Dublin, Ireland | Living The Q Life

  4. Pingback: Some of Our Favorite Memories from Dublin, Ireland – Living The Q Life

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